So this morning, I was laying in bed and doomscrolling, when I got a Facebook Marketplace notification that someone in the next town over was selling a Power Mac 6500/275, with a bunch of peripherals, for an _unbelievably_ low price.
90 minutes later I was loading it into my car.
It's a #MARCHintosh miracle!
Anyway, presenting the newest member of my Tower of Power:
- Power Mac 6500/275
- 128 MB RAM
- 60GB internal IDE hard drive (might be dead)
- 4GB external SCSI hard drive, working (the smaller one in the pic)
- ?GB external SCSI hard drive, condition unknown (the gigantic one in the pic)
- internal ZIP drive
- includes a 10/100 ethernet PCI card
- includes a USB PCI card (probably USB 1.x)
- includes a modem (lol)
- includes an Acer AL1716 monitor
It does have some quirks:
1. I'm not sure what the condition of the internal IDE hard drive is. Apple System Profiler recognizes that there is one installed, but doesn't recognize any volumes, and I can't hear it spin up. Not sure if it's dead or just needs to be formatted. Also the serial number is showing up in ASP as garbage characters?
2. I can't connect the second external SCSI drive because I need to connect the first one to boot right now. Later on I'll see if I can find a bootable CD to get around that.
3. It came with two VGA cables and two VGA-DB15 adapters. One of them didn't work with the monitor at all. The other one worked but the screen would flicker on and off every couple of seconds. So I hooked it up to my TV instead (which has a VGA port). The adapter that "worked" with the monitor didn't work with the TV, but the one that didn't work with the monitor worked fine with the TV. The screen flickered a couple times on the TV, but otherwise worked.
4. One of the plastic tabs on the back used to slide out the logic board was broken off. I was able to get the board out to inspect it using a flat head screwdriver but it was annoying.
5. The case needs a real good cleaning.
6. ASP says that there's no modem installed... but there's definitely a modem installed in the machine. I'm guessing it's just missing a driver or something? The OS install doesn't look complete.
7. Battery is dead and needs replacing. It's a Rayovac 840 so not as simple as swapping one of my MeowToast CR2032 adapters in. Hmm.
Anyway, I guess I have a second project for Marchintosh now.