Not so lucky on the rust. A bit more extensive than thought. Will be lucky if this boots, and that serial port is toast. #macse30 #retromac #retrocomputing
The card in the SE/30 is a Shiva Etherport with thicknet and coax connectors. Score! Hope it works. #retromac #retrocomputing #macse30
The hard drive might be bad and I don’t have any floppies to test with but the fact that it gets this far and seems to be all original is pretty amazing. #MacSE #retrocomputing #retromac
I cracked the SE. The case is a little marred so someone has been in here before and there was one screw missing. But the battery has not leaked yet! Date on the hard drive is from 1988! Not to dusty inside either. Will blow it out and give it a quick power on to test it. #macSE #retrocomputing
I am way more excited about these now that I have them home, very glad I didn’t balk at what I thought was a high, but was actually a low price. My old SE, later upgraded to an SE/30, was really my first computer. Feels so good to have one again. These are supposed to both work. I will crack them open later today and check on the batteries. #MacSE #retrocomputing
My #Tamagotchi has just turned 3 (again). And it's full with 99 oz.
#Technology #Poll #RetroComputing
Thinking back to your first home computer that came with a hard drive, what type was it?
if anyone's interested in an #irc chat about #ttrpg (mostly #osr) and obscure #retrocomputing stuff you could try port 6667
also on the web as
languages are mostly english and german
(alternately accessible via port 6667/6697 or )
Pinball Construction Set (1986)
Dark grey, light grey, white
Amiga pre startup sequence colours
Don't worry Apple friends. I got you too <3 #icf #ICF2025 #retrocomputing
Here is a collection of Apple II programs that offered an in-app backup utility to make exactly one protected backup of the master disk: <>
There are at least six distinct implementations here. It was A Thing. I dissected the most famous of these (The Print Shop) here: <>
The drama in the #Commodore #Amiga world never ends. It is getting beyond ridiculous at this point.
A bit of trivia for this week’s #ThrowbackThursday, any idea what this is ?
I’ll post the answer next week.
𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚎
From a series of 3D tributes to childhood game nostalgia I made in the 2000s.
Hunter was a filled-vector style Amiga game, released in 1991:
Hatte gestern einen eigentlich ziemlich hässlichen 720K Diskettensatz in der Post. Den Dingern sah man ihre 35 Jahre doch schon ziemlich an, aber die Optik war in dem Fall nebensächlich, denn das Auslesen per KryoFlux war dann eine wirklich positive Überraschung. Alle Datenträger waren absolut perfekt lesbar!
Es handelt sich um die deutsche Vollversion von Microsoft Excel 2.1d. Diese Fassung von Excel wurde noch rein über MS-DOS installiert und lief auf Windows ab Version 2.x. Ziemlich historisch. Hier gibt es die kompletten Flux- und IMG-Images, sowie 300dpi Scans aller Disketten:
Viel Spaß!