T_T As I swim against the opinionated shite-current that macOS is, I can't help but rant.
What if you could make macOS work like you want it to, rather than it 'just working'.
The obsession with frictionlessness creates more friction, especially for anyone who doesn't belong to the browsing and webdev segment of users (which I guess is the intended demographic).
Very competitive hardware. Marred by a dysfunctional OS :(
Zukünftige #Smartphones von #Apple könnten komplett auf Anschlüsse verzichten. Berichten zufolge hatte man schon beim #iPhone17Air ernsthaft darüber nachgedacht, den USB-C-#Anschluss ersatzlos zu streichen. https://winfuture.de/news,149610.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Geheimerlass: Datenschützer klagen gegen britischen Überwachungsbefehl an Apple
Bürgerrechtler haben Beschwerde gegen die von Großbritannien geforderte iCloud-Hintertür bei dem Gericht eingelegt, das über die Sicherheitsbehörden wacht.
Foxconn: Trumps Zölle bereiten Tech-Giganten "große Kopfschmerzen"
Die Zollankündigungen der US-Regierung führten zu großen Problemen für Big-Tech-Konzerne wie Apple und Amazon, erklärt ihr taiwanesischer Zulieferer Foxconn.
@Rusty @dragonarchitect well, it's because @mozillaofficial fucked up #FirefoxOS, #SailfishOS was run into the ground, #webOS got neglected, #Microsoft halfassed #WindowsMobile and #Apple refuses to license #iOS to 3rd parties.
Apple's long-lost hidden recovery partition from 1994 has been found
Link: https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/2025/03/apples-long-lost-hidden-recovery-partition-from-1994-has-been-found/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43376033
So, here's my actually-planned-for-this-year #MARCHintosh project. Attached is a photo of four very dusty containers full of floppy disks. These are the actual disks from my childhood IIfx!
Most of these disks aren't original. The originals lived at Dad's workplace. He would periodically bring home software from work, make a copy of the disks, and return the originals to work. These were, I'm told, the "off-site backups", in case there was a fire at the workplace or something like that. But we also had all this software installed on the family IIfx so Dad could read any files that he brought home from work with him.
Of course, we also bought our own software for the home, and those are mixed in with these disks as well. And that stack of CD-ROMs in the top left are my MacAddict cover disks - those are already archived.
Anyway, because these are just consumer-grade diskettes, they degrade quicker than the professionally-manufactured original ones. I've already lost a few, so I want to get these archived! And of course, anything that doesn't already exist on the Garden will be uploaded there and shared on #GlobalTalk as well.
(expect this to be a long-ass foone-style thread with lots of updates over several days)
Tried out InterPrint on my IIfx today and I've got to say, it works beautifully!
This Chooser extension allows you to print to LPR queues over TCP/IP. But unlike the IP printing support in LaserWriter 8 (which "requires" Mac OS 8, though I think you can manually install it on as low as System 7.5.3), InterPrint works all the way down to System 6.0.5! It fully supports PostScript, too.
What this means for me is that after #MARCHintosh is over, I can repurpose my Raspberry Pi, which currently acts as an AppleTalk print server for my local network (and #GlobalTalk, by extension).
It has been 0 days since I updated an #Apple device, and had Apple Intelligence forcibly enabled despite disabling it a dozen times across devices linked to my Apple account already.
Please take the fucking hint Cupertino, I’m running out of patience.
The latest updates to iOS and iPadOS both turned back on Apple “Intelligence” on my iPhone and iPad. *Again!*
Absolutely scummy behavior from Apple by not respecting their user’s wishes to NOT turn on AI.
I’ve used iPhones since the original. Not an Apple hater, just a scorned former user. I switched from Mac to Linux a decade ago & recently retired my 20-year-old iPod Classic for a Tangara music player. Apple’s lost vision has me ready to move on from iPhone as my primary device. #Apple
Will you join over 1.9k people who’ve signed our petition to keep what’s stored on Apple iCloud encrypted?
The UK government is gambling with our security and playing into the hands of hackers and criminals.
Send a message: save encryption before more services are hit with technical notices.
Sign and share now
When you have the press and civil society camped outside the courtroom, the secret might be out
Even so, we’re still denied the reasons why the UK government wants to take a battering ram to our security and privacy.
It shows contempt for the public interest in the Apple encryption case.
>> My theory: #Apple didn't start going downhill with #AppleIntelligence. It started going downhill when they stopped shipping stickers with their products. I can't quite explain why, but that was the moment.
Everybody who conflates correlation and causation eventually dies.