My little art shop has a selection of insect drawings. All one of a kind originals at affordable prices for gifts.
#FediGiftShop #ScottishArtist #MastoArt #CreativeToots
#insect #insects #InsectArt #InsectDrawing #OriginalArt #Drawing #PenAndInk #ColourPencil #MixedMedia #Artwork #TraditionalArtist #ShopIndy #GiftIdeas #ArtShop #MothersDay #EasterGift
A Pointed Ciliate Blue (Anthene lycaenina) spotted at Springleaf Park Connector, Singapore on 14 Dec 2024. A moderately rare butterfly, and I usually have to check the field guide to identify the butterflies in this family (the Blues).
On iNaturalist [ ].
Two cocoons of the Georgia mason bee (Osmia georgica) bejeweled with bright orange frass and leftover pollen grains, and separated by a layer of chewed leaves. Fresh from my insect hotel and likely a day or two away from emerging. Males will come out first and wait, very impatiently, for the females to arrive. #InsectHotel #BeeHotel #bees #hymenoptera #insects #pollen
A thread of how I sort through my insect hotels in advance of the season. #InsectHotel #BeeHotel #bees #wasps #hymenoptera #insects #pollinators 1/n
A tiny jumping spider hides in a lavender flower to stalk its prey.
iPhone 15 Pro main camera + home made lens for close focusing
Una diminuta araña saltadora se esconde en una flor de lavanda para acechar a su presa.
Eine winzige Springspinne versteckt sich in einer Lavendelblüte, um sich an ihre Beute heranzupirschen.
#macro #macrophotography
#insects #animals #nature
#shotonmobile #shotoniphone
Just baking the insect hotel, as one does, to kill any dermestid beetles, book lice, and mites that are hiding in the cracks after the bee and wasp cocoons have been removed. #BeeHotel #InsectHotel #bees #wasps #hymenoptera #insects #pollinators #entomology
#BREAKING: the witch hazel flowers are fully unfurled. These flies are taking advantage—I was surprised to see them out and about!
The eyes of the Pieris rapae butterfly remind me of golf balls.
North of Alicante. Spain. March
iPhone main camera + a homemade lens for close focusing.
Los ojos de la mariposa Pieris rapae me recuerdan a pelotas de golf.
Die Augen des Schmetterlings Pieris rapae erinnern mich an Golfbälle.
#macro #macrophotography #shotoniphone
#insects #animals #nature #butterfly
#Automated #photogrammetric close-range #imaging system for small #invertebrates using #acoustic #levitation:
Unfortunately, so far no detailed built instructions appear available. #DIYbio #lab #instruments #insects #biodiversity #NeRF #FPGA
A winged ant drawing. Available in my shop now.
Have you ever witnessed a flying any day where you live?
#FediGiftShop #ScottishArtist #MastoArt #CreativeToots
#Ant #insect #insects #InsectArt #InsectDrawing #OriginalArt #Drawing #PenAndInk #ColourPencil #MixedMedia #Artwork #TraditionalArtist #ShopIndy #GiftIdeas #ArtShop
@chillicampari @plants
I’ve been doing some paring down because I ended up with some tiny annoying bugs on the sarracenia. It might be two kinds actually.
Do you remember what kind of pesticide you used on your white dots?