The year is 1991, it was either a car or Macintosh PowerBook, so here’s me taking the metro with the latter.
(Haha, new #MARCHintosh acquisition! PowerBook 145B, with an internement display, TBD, but it was $50, very pristine and en canadien français).
My first 68k PowerBook!
Found an old #Apple #PowerBook 3400c
Want to go to the internet with it
New model: #PowerBook 5xx HDD caddy, with both an HDD and a #BlueSCSI variant.
Might still need some tweaks (not yet sure for screw hole diameter)
I'll be recapping some #PowerBook 5xx PSUs tonight (in about 10min):
Seek to 16:55 to get proper audio, for some reason the output was muted on the soundcard
Fantastic! #TotallyNormalComputing
Booting #MacOS9 Installer from USB, and without even touching #OpenFirmware. I really like the community for this kind of service!
'Mac OS 9.2.2 "boot kit" for booting your G3/G4 from an USB stick' by that-ben on Macintosh Repository just works out of the box! On a #powerpc #G3 #ibook with USB1.
And it was kinda fast to boot and install too. My #Powerbook got some company now!.
Aquafox: Ein moderner Browser für alte PowerPC Macs mit Tiger und Leopard
Hast du noch einen alten PowerPC Mac im Schrank? Wenn ja, könntest du ihm mit dem Aquafox-Browser neues Leben einhauchen. Aquafox ist ein Webbrowser, der für ältere PowerPC Macs entwic
#Mac #News #Aquafox #G4 #G5 #InterWebPPC #MacOSXLeopard #MacOSXTiger #PowerBook #PowerPCMac #RetroComputing #TenFourFox
@ActionRetro Right now, I can't even get my #PowerBook G4 400 MHz #Mercury to start, even though it worked when I just bought it. I had it in storage for a couple months and decided to play with it again. Have done the usual, reset #PMU removed battery, let charge overnight. I'm planning to sell all my #PowerPC Apple laptops I have accumulated over the years because I sense they don't have much longer live.
say, #PowerBook G4 owners, any of you ever encounter issues with a loose Ethernet jack, and know of any possible remedies for that? I've already verified the jack itself is in good contact with the logic board and reflowed the SMD solder joints
my father's PowerBook 170 still works - AMAZING - with the help of bluescsi v1 and a chain of adapters to it. The hinges are shot, but I have to recap it ASAP to prevent the tunnel effect on screen.
#vintage #retrocomputer #powerbook #pb170
Next up: an unopened #PowerBook video adapter (lmk if you’re a #retrocomputing enthusiast who wants it and I’ll keep it out of the hands of the unwashed masses at the auction sites!).
Sorbet Leopard rev1.5 loaded on the iMac G5. I didn’t have any dual-layers to get 10.5.8 retail DVD on here, so I pulled the 10.5.4 DMG from Macintosh Garden. I tried a later ISO but for some reason could not get the image to be bootable even through Toast 9. Thankfully the Apple servers still serve the updates for 10.4 and 10.5, so I was able to upgrade the Leopard installation to 10.5.8.
Then I used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the Sorbet Leopard DMG from my PowerBook G4 (also running Sorbet), via Target Disk mode booted on the iMac G5 to the local Leopard install. Running a Permissions Repair through Disk Utility now and we’ll reboot and cross our fingers we’re good to go.
90s PowerBook runs macOS Monterey - Even though Apple isn’t known for making the most pro-consumer devices ever (at le... - #retrocomputing #macbookpro #powerbook #macbook #retina #teensy #apple #macos #ipad
Another post about #Apple #Powerbook G4 12" events from ~20 years ago.
#Hacking #wifi a late November evening of 2005. With a "larger" antenna and standing on a mountain to the north of the city.
I used an antenna made for point to point "broadband" connections.
A bit on the larger size than the popular "pringles cantennas" people used to make.
(Funny to think about that I ended up with a work in Cybersecurity a few years later)
@geerlingguy I have a #PowerBook #Wallstreet that needs the motherboard battery replaced but after reading the #ifixit instructions it looks too daunting and invasive to attempt.
Hey Mac folks, Does anyone have the G3 Powerbook Shark poster that came in some computer magazines? I had a copy at one point that I hung onto for ages but it got lost in a move. I'd love to find one again.
#powerbook #G3 #pismo #wallstreet #macintosh #poster #mac #powerpc #shark
this is Ryza! she's a PowerBook 180 in fairly good condition and the nicest 68k Mac i own.
this MARCHINTOSH, i'm going to try to upgrade Ryza with a WiFi-capable PiSCSI (fka RaSCSI) so i can test and someday play Atelier Esri [], my homebrew Atelier demake.
i'm also going to try out a brand new JCS PowerBook 1xx battery. and while i'm in there, i can at least inventory the capacitors and check the PRAM battery.
unfortunately, like most 180s, her active matrix screen is developing "tunnel vision", slowly fading from the corners inward as long as she's on. (it reverts when she's not, but it can take multiple days, far slower than the fading).
fortunately, Ryza has video output and is capable of driving a VGA monitor or capture box, so i won't need to rely on her screen too much.