Ik heb alvast enkele extra zonnedauwjes gekweekt om deze lente/zomer te helpen in de strijd tegen die vervelende rouwvliegjes. #drosera #sundew #rouwvliegjes #rouwmuggen #FungusGnats
A baby Drosera binata #sundew.
A plant that's appearing in large numbers (hundreds) in places on our property where I've never seen them before are Sundew (Drosera sp.), a carnivorous plant.
I suspect that the above average winter rainfall, and the ensuing boggy ground, has encouraged their appearance.
They’ll soon produce a small, pink flower.
Furry comic, just a mild naughty joke, nothing explicit
Standard-sized bug-eating plants aren't really a problem when you're over 5 feet tall. Amorous feline boyfriends, on the other hand...
(Based on my new sundew, Kensuke. )
Looks like the sundew seeds that I sprinkled on a spare pot of sphagnum moss germinated.
Sorry for fuzzy photo, they are still very small and the moss was in the bottom of a glass - it all made sense at the time, I’m sure…
#Insectivores #Sundew #SavageGarden #CarnivorousPlants
*Edited to put the alt Text on the photo instead of in the post- still can't do it on my phone where the photos are...
#HousePlants this morning…
An #airplant ready to bloom, #nepenthes pitcher, mounding #sundew, and tiny volunteer sundew.
This strange-looking plant is Drosera filiformis, commonly known as the thread-leaved sundew, native to Northern America. It looks beautiful when unfolding its sticky leaves in spring and will soon start catching insects as this is a carnivorous plant. I grow it in a little bog habitat in a larger container, together with other hardy and half-hardy sundews. #plants #sundew
#Gemmae #Sundew #Drosera #DroseraAdmirabilis #houseplants My favorite sundew is making flowers and making gemmae.
Afternoon, all. Another hot one. I think I might do some #Voluntrove on #Trove later to recover from my awful phone chores.
How’s your day going?
Today’s photo is another #CarnivorousPlant from partner’s collection. This is a Cape Sundew, Drosera capensis. These generally have purple flowers, but partner also has one with no anthocyanin, which has white flowers, and no red colouring in the leaves and blobs. #Drosera #Sundew #GardeningAu
A little bit of glistening color in the garden this Monday afternoon. #SunDew #carnivorousPlants
Finally, upgraded our window with bio weapons against flying pests. A tiny Drosera, or sundew, and a Venus flytrap. That one's rather small too but it already grows a flower stem!
They will combine well with newly planted chilies that often have lots of tiny flies in their soil at the start. I only use peat-free planting substrate for them.
Bon appétit Audrey.
Closeup from a few years back… black spots are #insects (ants, flies) and notice the one frond folded over similar to a #VenusFlyTrap! #Sundew #CarnivorousPlants