Easily install on debian applications not in official repository: https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/install-linux-apps-with-deb-get #linux #debian #tips
Jetzt online: "Linux-Rechner sicher nutzen: Meine Tipps"
I'm looking for a CRM system for a friend. Optimally from the EU, at worst with a datacenter in the EU.
Not wanting self hosting, we are looking for a SaaS provider.
The line of business is financial consulting, but I suppose that doesn't play a big role.
Do you have any tips on what to look for? Thanks
Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? 30 Days Until Martial Law...?
By Jessica Wildfire • 20 Mar 2025.
https://www.the-sentinel-intelligence.net/should-i-stay-or-should-i-go-now-30-days-until-martial-law/ (Kind of a salacious title, but unfortunately not impossible either.)
And she links (Safe Travel Trans Americans Passport Policy) https://19thnews.org/2025/03/safe-travel-trans-americans-passport-policy/
(TGNC Checklist under Trump) https://lambdalegal.org/tgnc-checklist-under-trump/
(Travel State gov page on passport help with sex marker) https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/passport-help/sex-marker.html
(Reddit thread A Guide for Americans to Leave) https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/urwlbr/a_guide_for_americans_that_want_to_get_out_of/
(SF Chronicle on the Insurrection Act) https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/insurrection-act-president-trump-20201819.php
"Meanwhile, corporate media asks, “Can he do that?” These stories are engineered to distract the public with technicalities. While everyone’s debating what they can and can’t do, they are doing it.
We know this administration’s pattern of loose interpretation when it comes to law and historical precedent. There’s no reason to believe he’ll stop here, instead using this act to use force against anyone his administration considers a threat, regardless of their status or what they’re protesting.
You also have to remember this country has a long, established history of censoring speech and leading witch hunts. During WWI, god help you if you didn’t buy enough liberty bonds or called yourself a pacifist.
We’re the land of moral panics.
Every single one of this administration’s actions have been building toward this moment, when the president suspends our civil and human rights. It explains why they’ve taken such aggressive action toward federal agencies, firing tens of thousands of workers and purging their ranks of anyone who might say no. They’ve already been testing boundaries, daring courts to stop them as they shut down government operations and kidnap U.S. citizens."
(some bullshit from an insecure asshole puppetted for power) https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/declaring-a-national-emergency-at-the-southern-border-of-the-united-states/
(How to move out of the USA) https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2024/11/04/how-to-move-out-of-the-us/
Anti virus gratuit pour telephone font pire que mieux: https://securite.developpez.com/actu/333369/Les-applications-antivirus-gratuites-font-plus-de-mal-a-votre-appareil-que-les-virus-eux-memes-et-sont-concues-pour-mettre-en-danger-votre-vie-privee-tout-en-eliminant-la-securite-de-votre-telephone/ #phone #tips
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How To Use LLMs For Programming Tasks - [Simon Willison] has put together a list of how, exactly, one goes about using a l... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/11/how-to-use-llms-for-programming-tasks/ #artificialintelligence #softwaredevelopment #programming #how-to #tips #llm #ai
Prolong Laptop Battery Life in Linux by Limiting Charging Levels https://itsfoss.com/limit-battery-charging-linux/ #Tips
Several great resources for accessibility / inclusive writing:
There's nothing you can do about this, I am just pointing it out. Instead of a tip maybe just don't blame them for the fact that Facebook never removes anything bad, or any obvious scammers. I am sure they want to remove them, but those managers I mentioned won't give them any agency at all to do the right things.
#Tips #TrustAndSafety #Moderation #Jobs #Work #Facebook #Twitter #Socialmedia #Finance #JohnOliver #LastWeekTonight #Mastodon is not #Linkedin #Lorry #GoToSleep!
If they did somehow get a tip, their department VPs and directors would almost certainly decide they deserved it more than the front-line workers.
Have you tipped your content moderators lately?
No? ... No.
That's because there is no way to tip these people, who are seeing the worst of the worst so that you don't have to, working long hours with very few breaks for below-living wages. While doing this, they have to deal with a management structure that is so disconnected from what they do that you'd never believe it if you saw it on a TV show.
Some nice tips for deactivating Windows 11 settings you don't want / need:
Hey, I found this really cool trick to find out if someone is into you!
Ask them.
*Literal conversation from yesterday*
Alice: Hi, it's Alice from the deescalation training.
Instructor: so wonderful to meet you
Alice: Likewise
Alice: Quick question so my brain doesn't keep poking me about it: are flirty or friendly to you?
(I'm happy either way )
Instructor: Hope your brain wasn't too pokey all night! They could go either way, I'm looking forward to that drink to find out ;)
Alice: Perfect. Ttyl
Poof! It's like magic
Though I may have taken the wrong message away from the deescalation training
Update: two dates later and I'm pretty sure the s were flirty... Also I think I've got a new boyfriend
Thanks to node "Set Global Time Dilation", I saw that I was not rotating each object correctly at birth. I was passing each one the rotation info of a general object, which of course has a pivot in a different place.
Hello #Fediverse @academicchatter
I need your help for a privacy-focused local-host (run offline from my computer) transcription software.
I am (luckily?) collecting more interviews than I planned and transcribing manually is becoming a giant task, so it would really be helpful to have an automatic assistance.
Any suggestions?