Hey #GZDoom users, how do I enable something like give weapons
on startup? Adding it to the autoexec.cfg file didn't seem to work..
#Doom #linux #videogames #fps
Hey #GZDoom users, how do I enable something like give weapons
on startup? Adding it to the autoexec.cfg file didn't seem to work..
#Doom #linux #videogames #fps
Cloudflare announces AI Labyrinth, which uses AI-generated content to confuse and waste the resources of AI Crawlers and bots that ignore “no crawl” directives.
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://blog.cloudflare.com/ai-labyrinth/
Linux: A modular dream until you try customizing keyboard layouts
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://github.com/Tomurisk/Euromak
Please donate, i have exausted my glasses fund to pay for food and clothes, i live in an abusive and transphobic home and im constantly bullied by family members, im extremely poor and unable to work, i need money urgently to pay for basics, please help me.
current goals:
food: 75$/75$
prescription glasses: 0/250$
misc bills/expenses: 60$/150$
payment information:
cashapp: https://cash.app/vparagon
gofundme: https://gofund.me/034cef1a
cashapp referral (i make 5$): https://cash.app/app/QPL1BJF
monero address: 8576pqM8cmNW92eogjqnYzEewZbmwUbY61xRcGmbVCFphchaXKyAad1Xj9oNrYWQNqZkcm2kCHEzea4Y5Wd3DMUW4DozSV2
Reminder that we are still taking nominations for this year Keynotes.
It can be someone with experience or anyone that you've seen in the past that could deliver something interesting.
The Last of Us Part II Remastered devs aiming for "best possible experience on handheld gaming devices" https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/03/the-last-of-us-part-ii-remastered-devs-aiming-for-best-possible-experience-on-handheld-gaming-devices/
I made a Furry Telegram Group for everyone who wants to switch from Windows or recently switched to help each other with problems we encounter.
Old Linux users (like myself) are welcome as well.
DM me for the link.
Boost for reach.
Envie de découvrir les logiciels libres ?
Débutant·e ou expert·e, l’association Root66 propose des événements pour tous : ateliers, conférences, install parties…
Protège ta vie privée, redonne vie à tes vieux appareils et explore des alternatives éthiques aux géants du numérique.
Programme des événements :
Pour en savoir plus :
Rejoins-nous !
I consider #Apple to have done something really great with their Apple Silicon CPUs. The performance is truly awesome, and the focus on getting "enough" GPU raw power into the package is leaps and bounds over the competition.
... and of course, it's ARM, which is simply the future.
Thus @AsahiLinux is the project that needs as much support as possible to make sure that we're going to be able to run #Linux on Apple Silicon devices.
Having thought for a bit on this, I'll now redirect some of my "support the community" funds there. It's not much, but if everyone ...
Jetzt online: "Linux-Rechner sicher nutzen: Meine Tipps"
Looking forward to this.
Credits - MattHadouken
Get ready to defend a walking castle in the roguelike action game Castlebound https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2025/03/get-ready-to-defend-a-walking-castle-in-the-roguelike-action-game-castlebound/
Announcing Fedora Linux 42 Beta
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-linux-42-beta/
Linux News: Calibre 8.0 Ebook Manager Released with Much Improved Kobo Support https://9to5linux.com/calibre-8-0-ebook-manager-released-with-much-improved-kobo-support #news #FOSS #linux
#Calibre 8.0 Open-Source Ebook Manager Released with Much Improved Kobo Support and Other Changes https://9to5linux.com/calibre-8-0-ebook-manager-released-with-much-improved-kobo-support
Witajcie drodzy FOSSGracze!
Miło jest nam poinformować, że nawiązaliśmy partnerstwo z organizatorami 19. Sesji Linuksowej
Jeśli jesteście z okolic Wrocławia albo nie macie co robić 5-6 kwietnia, wpadajcie na Politechnikę Wrocławską! Czeka Was mnóstwo ciekawych prelekcji jak również okazja, by spotkać się z wieloma entuzjastami Linuksa oraz otwartego oprogramowania.
Co do nas: na pewno część z nas się tam pojawi osobiście w roli uczestników. Chociaż nie przewidujemy tworzenia wielkiej strefy (jeszcze! ) to na pewno będziemy zdawać relację, gdzie będzie można nas znaleźć. Tak, przywieziemy laptopy z kilkoma FOSS gierkami do przetestowania
Po więcej informacji odsyłamy na stronę wydarzenia. Wstęp wolny.
Zarezerwuj bilet: https://app.evenea.pl/event/19-sesja-linuksowa/?source=partner
Więcej informacji: https://sesja.linuksowa.pl
Tengan todos un excelente y Libre #ViernesDeEscritorio
Hoy la tematica es: #WindowsCrash
Quien se suma?