I disagree with @gruber here. I think the internet is more like the sky than the Earth. The Earth is a singular thing, but the sky is defined by all of the elements in it. In that sense the internet is more like the sky than the Earth and therefore does not justify a capital I.
A brief history (and critique) of English spelling reform that I once wrote for @HistoryToday:
Supplementary notes on the history of English spelling reform:
TIL how to spell 'zucchini'. Next challenge; not forgetting that. Again.
Below is a post from the For the Love of Gabe Facebook Page. It’s one of his spelling sessions he has on Mondays and Thursdays. He uses a method in the sessions called Spelling to Communicate. I’d be interested in everyone’s thoughts.
Thursdays are Spelling Days!
It has been weeks since Gabe saw Ingrid! I couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say today! He wanted me to start so of course I asked him about how he felt about meeting his cousin Oliver!
I told him we could visit next month if he wanted! SURE he replied
Gabe wanted to move on. He began
I understood what Gabe was talking about right away. Last night we realized that he has a very deep wound on his finger and is developing blisters from the constant movement against his hands of the fidget belts. Gabe never puts them down except brief moments and when he is not holding them he must see them. It has been a huge help with his anxiety to have the fidget belts, but he relies on them way too much. We had to have a talk with him last night letting him know that he can’t have them anymore because of how injured his finger is. Gabe did not sleep last night. I knew this was going to be hard, but I feel this is the right thing. I know it is.
He received magnetic rings for Christmas that he seems to like holding. I gave those to him for the day and will have to think of some more things to keep his hands busy. I hate taking the belts away because they bring him so much comfort. Right now Caroline is at Urgent Care with him to get his finger checked out. We will see how that goes… #autism #spelling #fidget
In addition to books, I bought this magnet from my favourite bookstore, Book Tenders in York, Maine. #books #humour #BookTenders #spelling #reading
Sometimes I wish the past tense of "read" was spelt differently so that a subjectless report like "Read such-and-such a book" wouldn't look like a command
Can't think of a viable alternative, though, and even if I could, it wouldn't catch on
sports medicine website: "Swing your leg out to the side in a slow, controlled manor."
me *launches online search for relaxed atmosphere of a well-regulated, landed estate that will let me exercise on their grounds*
Someone please tell the NY Times spelling bee game that "lambing" and "limbing" are both actual words involving actual work. Ask someone who raises sheep or deals with trees.
Signed, someone who grew up in farm country with a dad who worked for a timber/lumber company
@MeanwhileinCanada .... and the winner is THIS!
OK, seriously for a moment, you know how a snort mixed with a laugh is called a snarf... should we spell it as I have or as snaugh??
@petergleick 'You spelled it wrong' is the tedious refrain directed towards sign painters at work. But, although this isn't hand-painted, sometimes they have!
PS. Each issue of my magazine has a genuine, and sometimes amusing, example of spelling gone wrong.
Great video on attitudes to language use and why linguists defend "mistakes" (25 min.)
We're sometimes asked how to style "for fuck(')(s) sake", especially when one of those viral "It's for a work email so it has to sound professional" posts circulates.
We prefer singular genitive "fuck's sake", analogous with "God's sake", "Pete's sake", etc. Plural "fucks' sake" if you want to be pointedly expansive or heterodox.
Given the informal register, though, there's nothing seriously wrong with "fuck sake", "fucks sake", "fox sake", etc.
OK, listen.
You can write it A.I. (this is by far the best option for readability)
You can write it AI (not ideal; looks like abbreviation for Albert in sans serif fonts, but isn't awful)
You can write it ai which gets the point across though it sounds like a toddler trying to write the sound of their crying
But aI? lowercase a, capital I? What the everloving fuck? This is reason enough not to apply for a job. I don't want to work for a company whose philosophy of ortnhography is firmly chaotic evil.
How do you spell night clothing? #spelling
Flying animated penis
I always try to spell “fallacy" as “phallacy,” thereby combining the false and phallus. I don't know if this says more about me being a phonetic speller or just my general distrust of the glorification of cis-het maleness.