“If you told me this as a kid, I wouldn’t believe it. I get my own day. That’s crazy. I’m still in shock.” - 7th grader Vedanth Raju

“If you told me this as a kid, I wouldn’t believe it. I get my own day. That’s crazy. I’m still in shock.” - 7th grader Vedanth Raju
Vedanth Raju knows what day it is, his. The Aurora brainiac student knows a lot.
“If you told me this as a kid, I wouldn’t believe it. I get my own day. That’s crazy. I’m still in shock.”
My mom is asking for recommendations for games which are
a)Similar to New York Times Spelling Bee
b)Don't require a subscription
c)Are playable on either iOS or Kindle
Any recommendations?
#SpellingBee #GameRecommendations #MobileGames
How fast did we ALL get Sixthday’s #NYTimes #SpellingBee pangram?
This Broadway Center Stage production is pure D-E-L-I-G-H-T.
#SpellingBee #PutnamCountySpellingBee #BroadwayCenterStage #KennedyCenter #Entertainment #PerformingArts #Stage #Musical #Music
Someone please tell the NY Times spelling bee game that "lambing" and "limbing" are both actual words involving actual work. Ask someone who raises sheep or deals with trees.
Signed, someone who grew up in farm country with a dad who worked for a timber/lumber company
#Adelaide and #Sydney typically top the #NYT #spellingbee each day. It helps that their second favorite #hobby after #napping is reading the dictionary. These #CatsOfMastodon are so clever.
Help, this is the first time in ages I haven't been able to get Queen Bee if I resorted to using the hints. I need a 7 letter word for unmarked which starts with un and uses some of the following letters: u n e d c l I.
In 1908, Marie C. Bolden made national headlines when she spelled 500 words perfectly in the first national spelling bee. One of the words she was asked to spell was "prejudice" — apt, since as a Black student, she faced a lot of it through the tournament and afterwards. Here's her story, which drew renewed attention in 2021 when Zaila Avant-garde became the first African American to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
How is centime not a valid word in the #nyt #SpellingBee?
Today’s NYT #spellingbee pangram is completely absurd, niche, and elitist, and reader, I got it.
I'd like to speak to the manager of #nytimes #spellingbee ? Yesterday didn't accept “alluvial" and today didn't accept "fomite.” This is unacceptable!
So disappointed in #SpellingBee for leaving out MILT and ILLMATIC
I saw someone say what trans allies, especially ones in other countries, can do about the New York Times’ transphobia: stop playing #Wordle.
So I stopped.
Also, stop playing #SpellingBee. Stop doing the #NYTCrossword. Don’t click on their articles.
5 minutes to Queen Bee is definitely my new record #spellingbee
Well, here's a new kind of humblebrag #queenbee #spellingbee
The New York Times #union is staging its largest walkout in decades today! Please honor their picket line by not reading or sharing NYT stories and abstaining from the #crossword #puzzle as well as #wordle and #spellingbee