US influence on global tech has grown to outsize proportions. A new research report explores the possibility of breaking free from the American hegemony.

US influence on global tech has grown to outsize proportions. A new research report explores the possibility of breaking free from the American hegemony.
Hoping there is a sticker table at State of Open Con ‘25, because my work laptop is looking a little nekkid.
If you see me, and have stickers for your cool thing, let’s talk!
#opendata #opensource #stateofopencon #soocon25 #openuk
Heading to London for State of Open Con ‘25. Last year was my first. I enjoyed it so much, I’m part of the volunteer crew again. Looking forward to seeing friends, old and new.
#opendata #opensource #stateofopencon #soocon25 #openuk
Supporting digital skills development in open source we have an allocation of free tickets for students to join SOOCon25. Contact mailto:admin@openuk.uk. Schedule is now live across 7 tracks https://stateofopencon.com #computerscience #digitalskills opensource #AI #opendata #soocon25 #openuk
New on // foss.events: State of Open Con 2025 by OpenUK on 04-05 February 2025 in #London, #United Kingdom
Open Source Nerds Assemble!
The deadline to submit a CfP for State of Open is *this weekend*.
State of Open is in London on 4 and 5 February, 2025 - right after #FOSDEM.
We're looking for interesting speakers on all topics to do with open source, open data, open hardware, funding, AI etc.
Submit a proposal at https://sessionize.com/state-of-open-con-2025/
Some good news; yesterday the LVFS won the Security category at the #OpenUK awards, hosted at the House of Lords in London.
As an open source maintainer 99% of my communication is receiving bug reports and feature requests from sometimes less-than-polite users.
Events like yesterday remind me of two things: that people appreciate what I do, and that there's a whole family of people who understand why open is so very important.
If you are based in the UK please support OpenUK by taking 20 minutes to complete our Survey and help us understand the open source software landscape in the UK. https://forms.gle/8DXRnCBo9fk5d95x6 #openuk #opensource #theopenmanifesto
Ah, yes. The FOSS event with no Health & Safety practices has been scheduled immediately after a superspreader event, again.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
If your event has a Code of Conduct but no Health & Safety policy, you're missing the point of Codes of Conduct.
#KDEEco at the House of Lords! Read more about the 2022 #OpenUK Awards for sustainability:
@jriddell discusses the 3 #sustainability nominations and the winning project "Carbon Aware SDK"!
Did you know? KDE is a non-profit supported by people like you. A donation to KDE allows us to continue our work toward software sustainability: https://kde.org/fundraisers/yearend2022/