Would anyone be willing to help me with something like $30-50 to get some more dewormer/flea meds from the vet?
Poor Zèle has had a bit of a yucky relapse. Apparently it can take more than one dose to get rid of them, especially for a cat that had been a stray.
Without giving too much detail, he has worms again, and he's back to spending all his time shut in the bathroom while I clean. His next scheduled visit wasn't until another couple weeks, and I'm short on money.
(I know, I took in a stray kitten when I'm still working to get it together for myself. He's a ball of love and character, his little personality already shines so brightly. He can't help that he's still a bit gross.)
Boosts appreciated!
#mutualAid #mutualAidRequest #cats #kitten