Man, it's too bad Homeworlds is perfect strategy. I liked the idea of there being secret alliances on top of everything else. But in a two player game, what secrets can you keep?
I present to you, Homeworlds variant number eight: Decoy Homeworlds.
For 2 players: Set up the bank as you would for a 4-player game, with 5 trios of each color. Each player builds *two* homeworlds, marking the real one with a face card and the decoy with a number card. Whichever homeworld you build second will get a medium ship instead of a large one. No repeat stars, if your first homeworld has a g2 star in it then your second homeworld may not also have a g2 star.
If a homeworld would be captured or destroyed, reveal its identity. Last player with their real homeworld intact wins.
I have not tested this. If you convince someone to play it, please let me know how it goes!