I know how all the pieces move, but that doesnt mean I really know how to play. Maybe a smarter board can help train me?
GoChess Mini Review is live!

I know how all the pieces move, but that doesnt mean I really know how to play. Maybe a smarter board can help train me?
GoChess Mini Review is live!
I can’t seem to win a game of Spots from Mup. 8 losses in a row… #Boardgames
Man, it's too bad Homeworlds is perfect strategy. I liked the idea of there being secret alliances on top of everything else. But in a two player game, what secrets can you keep?
I present to you, Homeworlds variant number eight: Decoy Homeworlds.
For 2 players: Set up the bank as you would for a 4-player game, with 5 trios of each color. Each player builds *two* homeworlds, marking the real one with a face card and the decoy with a number card. Whichever homeworld you build second will get a medium ship instead of a large one. No repeat stars, if your first homeworld has a g2 star in it then your second homeworld may not also have a g2 star.
If a homeworld would be captured or destroyed, reveal its identity. Last player with their real homeworld intact wins.
I have not tested this. If you convince someone to play it, please let me know how it goes!
Site update: posted a draft of the rules to Graph Zendo, the version you can play on a whiteboard. GNU Kory Heath.
I finally got to play cubirds on the table instead of playing it on BGA. #Boardgames
Did I never post about this?!
Some time ago I bought the board game "Daybreak".
Nothing to do with that fun zombie series from back then, but instead is a co-op game where you have to reduce the world's CO2 level and global warming:
Its German name, "e-mission" feels like a more fitting name.
Fitting to the theme, the German version of it is actually produced in Germany, not in China line most board games, and comes without any plastic parts.
Design Milk : Printworks Introduces Chess Set for New Yorker Centennial https://design-milk.com/printworks-introduces-chess-set-for-new-yorker-centennial/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=printworks-introduces-chess-set-for-new-yorker-centennial #ChristophNiemann #graphicdesign #accessories #newyorkcity #boardgames #Printworks #Lifestyle #accessory #boardgame #NewYorker #chessset #chess #games #Main #game
#monopoly #ludophile #boardgames #NoBillionaires #TaxTheRich #EatTheRich #GuillotinesWork
Monopoly wasn't invented by the Parker Brothers, nor the man they gave it credit for. In 1904, Monopoly was originally called The Landlord's Game, and was invented by a radical woman. Elizabeth Magie's original game had not one, but two sets of rules to choose from.
See Alt-Text
Played most of a game of Spirit Island with a friend on Sunday, but only got around to finishing out the game by myself tonight. Turns out we only had to finish out the round, then start the next round to win.
The setup:
The Kingdom of Brandenburg-Prussia, Level 1
Myself: Serpent Slumbering Beneath the Island, a slow utility spirit that takes presence from other spirits to grow, eventually giving back energy, extra presence, and free major powers in return.
My friend: Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine, a fear-focused spirit that takes lone invaders to a void to generate fear.
Apparently, Mancala has been around since the 6th century, or at least, a game like it, the game we know now has been around since the 1940's and it was made by a dude from Massachusetts. Oh, and its in the public domain so nobody owns it. #Games, #Gaming, #BoardGames, #History
Playing #BoardGames with my friend from the UK. Finally having games on the table again!
Recently played Spree! by James Ernest (from the Cheapass Games back catalog), using my own Pyramides Papyrium as the pieces (based on Icehouse by Andy Looney and John Cooper)
Thanks everyone who joined me at Phoenix Comics for the Seattle Furry Board Games meet :3
Spree! is an easy and clever one-hour game about ransacking a shopping mall while shooting each other with giant cartoon popguns. play cards to load up your cart, then get it back to your getaway vehicle before someone else swipes it!
you can get the files to print this game yourself! Pay what you want here: https://crabfragmentlabs.com/shop/p/spree
There's a new board game on my website!
This is an implementation of the "Center" board game, in which you have to try to play on the centre square by advancing inwards from the perimeter, using your existing stones to support your next. The good bot is very good, it consistently beats me even with very low time limits.
I implemented this using the "vibe coding" technique where I just asked AI to do all the coding and editing. None of the code was typed by me, it was all done by asking Claude 3.7 Thinking to make changes. There's some usability rough edges but I'm very impressed by how well it implemented this idea.
I think the Pyramides Papyrium is just about ready! I went ahead and posted my source code too: https://github.com/nycki93/pyramides-papyrium/
in my pursuit of an all-paper icehouse set, i discovered a new variant of the stacker stash box! the Pyramides Papyrium box is long enough for a full plastic stash, or *four* paper stashes, and it uses *no glue!* Eat your heart out, ee0r.
I'll post the print files on my website later; remind me if I forget!
It was quite a while since I played Spirit Island. I really like this game but I am terribly bad at it. It's a very elegant game.
I lost again, but it was nice reading the rules and re-learning them. The island got blighted within 45 minutes. The invaders exploited the island and kept on littering everywhere.
I really believed I would never own or play another Fluxx game so help me gods, but Word Fluxx has got me #Boardgames