...sliding into the next room like...
#indiedev #vr #diorama #rpg #madewithblocks #screenshotsaturday
My third custom painted #gunpla -- MG 1/100 MS-09H Dwadge Custom (as seen in the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, piloted by Desert Rommel).
The full piece is titled "WAR READY". It is my first diorama and my first time using add on parts and epoxy putty to add detail, as well as creating foliage and rock effects. Completed as a part of the 2024 #CeruleanProject
And another one done ^^ got a little lost on the goopy shader, hope it works! The set modelling itself was a cinch ^^
Room done! Dunk is checking out my handiwork ^^
I love the moment when even last pass of lighting is done, and I get to experience the room for the first time over the puppets shoulders ^^ what do you think? Passable? It's really just an inbetween room.
Spider silk made me break my no-texture rule
...but kind of like how this shading looks nevertheless, should make it easy to model loads of it easily, now I got the process down. It's so messy to do ^^
I dont remember if i posted my favorite nemesis prime Well here it is, universe 2.0 #nemesisprime. I did have to restore the #lightpiping because it was painted over. #transformersuniverse #transformers #classics #decepticon #toyphotography #photography #optimusprime #diorama #miniatures
Todays workout post with Springer. Currently at 285. I haven't had much time for photos recently. Every time i get a day off something happens. . . . . . . #transformersstuidoseries #toyphotography #transformersphotography #autobot #springer #diorama #crafting #wrecker #miniatures #photography
No fancy workout photos but still some photos. Todays workout is brought to you by, Overcharge. Im a sucker for a military green tank and jet. . . . . . . . #transformerslegacy #transformers #decepticon #toyphotography #photography #overcharge #diorama ##miniatures #toys #hasbro
I make stuff out of junk, and it’s fun but there’s too much of it in my house, and people have said “You should sell those” so I have a Ko-fi page now. https://ko-fi.com/marence/shop
Choose 20 pots or ceramic pieces that you have made. One pot per day for 20 days, in no particular order.
Day 10
I'm assuming this is a common solution to the whole character-bunching-avoidance issue, but I kinda stumbled upon it and am a little chuffed how well it works ^^
Do science dioramas still have a place in today’s museums?
From Science News: "Many exhibit experts believe they still have value but need reimagining."
Managed to squeeze out another room today! This one is called The Royal Landing. For reasons.
Also, lighting is such fun!
...guess which on is final and which one is layout ^^
Choose 20 pots or ceramic pieces that you have made. One pot per day for 20 days, in no particular order.
Day 1
Gagglebrand Caves rough layouts wholly done wooohoo! Good thing I like modelling cause MAN that's a lot of empty stone to still pretty up!
Ihan kaikki dioramoistani ei ole synkkiä ja dramaattisia. Ghibli-leffoista olen löytänyt pari inspiraation lähdettä: Kiki's Delivery Servicen leipomo ja Howl's Moving Castlen hattupaja. Sophie Hatterin pajasta näkyy elokuvassa vain vilaus parista kulmasta, mutta yritin jäljitellä niitä mahdollisimman tarkasti. Joskus tulevaisuudessa haluan tehdä Spirited Away-leffan junan. Se kohtaus jossa juna kulkee veden päällä elää päässäni rent free.
Kiki-tarran on tehnyt Kiserinn.
Erityisesti tykkään jos pystyn valokuvaamaan dioramat mahdollisimman dramaattisesti.
Booknook-katu meni lahjaksi pelinvetäjälle: kadun varrella on kahden D&D-kamppiksen keskeiset tavernat.
Noir-etsivän oven taakse voisi melkein kuvitella femme fatalen varjon.
Suo oli hirveä murheenkryyni, joka meinasi epäonnistua useamman kerran. Myös ensimmäinen kerta kun yritin mitään vesiefektiä.