Shiny new torrents are up!!
Shiny new torrents are up!!
Current data preservation torrents being seeded: #datahoarder #datapreservation #preservation #uspol #usgovernment #data #DataRescue #torrent
The “Take It Down” Act is why we can NOT trust any server in the USA any longer. Yay #federation. Fuck #fascism
I didn't expect torrents to go from a pirate's best friend to resisting fascism so abruptly....but here we are. #fascism #datapreservation #dataprotection
@hacks4pancakes perhaps something for #DataHoarders https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/big-tech/data-hoarders-race-to-preserve-data-from-rapidly-disappearing-u-s-federal-websites and others: https://connect.oeglobal.org/t/webinar-federal-data-disappearing-and-who-is-saving-it/7356 @SafeguardingResearch
NEW: Director of Wayback Machine, Mark Graham @mark dives into the End of Term @internetarchive campaign; reveals how researchers & journalists fight to preserve government data before it disappears.
Read more: https://buff.ly/4gIbrqh
#DataPreservation #journalism
EDIT: ARCHIVE.ORG sets have been fixed. Let the downloading commence!
My US government data hoarding page is up and ready with links and torrents. The torrents are all being seeded by my junkbox torrent server. I will continue to add torrents as I download things.
yt-dlp works on nasa plus streams to rip them to your drive, i've grabbed what i can before it disappears, would appreciate some redundancy, please help archive this
yt-dlp can be found here:
If you want to grab the stream, play a video and right-click it -> Inspect. It will bring up a developer pane with source code for the page with the video element already highlighted. Expand by clicking triangle, the URL you want ends in .m3u8, copy it out and use that with yt-dlp
This is in firefox, I don't use chrome but it also has an equivalent developer feature, so adjust as needed
The hoard's storage. The MyBooks are primary storage and 1st mirror (104TB). The tall black unit is an air-gapped mirror (32TB). The small black unit is the new air-gapped offsite mirror (36TB). #data #datahoarder #datapreservation #backups #storage #harddrives
Is anyone out there creating an archive of the EPA’s website? There is a lot of valuable information that could be lost if someone were to do something stupid like, say, remove every mention of climate change.
Tip: Download local backups of repositories you've favourited on GitHub. Just click the green "Code" button and "Download ZIP". You didn't expect Internet Archive to go offline either, did you?
If the repository hasn't been forked yet and doesn't seem to contain anything illegal, consider forking it too (as a backup for others).
#GitHub #dataPreservation
For whatever reason, I just got it into my head to dig out an old disk caddy that I haven't opened in about 20 years. Wiped the densely-caked dust and rodent scat off and took a look-see. Flipping through it I've found a few copies of what I think may be lost media.
I don't have a flux copier but I *do* have a pretty decent drive and an old copy of WinImage, so I'll see what I can do...
Archiving the data from the MFM hard disk of #triglavcomputer
After posting this video, we discovered during data analysis that the FUJITSU M2243AS2 hard drive actually has 11 heads, not just 8 as detected by the MFM reader. Consequently, a re-read was necessary.
A Primer On Optical Storage Data Preservation - Picking a storage medium for data preservation can be a conflicting time. Sure, th... - https://hackaday.com/2024/05/01/a-primer-on-optical-storage-data-preservation/ #datapreservation #reviews #dvd #cd
For #RetroComputing / #Archival / #DataPreservation peeps: Anyone have copies of #ARM DDI 0100 ("ARM Architecture Reference Manual") revisions A, C, F, G, or H? I only have B, D, E, and I. I promise I'll put a complete bundle of them up on the @internetarchive if I can track down the complete bundle.
Here's a quote from a YouTube video I heard earlier today. 'In the modern age of the internet, we live by the motto that if something is online, it stays there. But the truth is that our creations are bound, sooner or later, to be cast into obscurity and forgotten'. Truer words were never spoken, and that's why, if you come across any you and/or others find valuable, I very strongly urge you to back it up and archive it anywhere you can, in as many places you can, be it OneDrive, Dropbox, the Internet Archive or your own website or file storage server. Let's work together to fight #DataRot and preserve as much of our online creations and discoveries as we possibly can! #data #archival #backup #preservation #DataArchival #DataBackup #DataPreservation
Turns out non of Jeff Rutkowski's (I've probably spelled that wrong) files from jeff.tdrealms.com are available on the #WaybackMachine. This is what happens when you shut down your website and don't archive your stuff! #DataPreservation #archival #DataArchival #DataBackup