If you want to know why researchers from the #globalsouth are under-represented in scientific conferences, try going through the visa application process as one of them.
If you want to know why researchers from the #globalsouth are under-represented in scientific conferences, try going through the visa application process as one of them.
Yesterday’s event was engaging and sparked a lot of reflections. Here are my immediate, unordered thoughts:
• The organizers poured their passion into this conference - they created something genuinely interesting and enjoyable. Thank you for that.
• Every talk offered valuable insights. A recurring theme was developers’ anxiety about large language models: they rely on them heavily and fear losing competitiveness without these tools. I personally resonated more with some speakers than others, especially appreciating the friendly, down‑to‑earth atmosphere that some of them tried to create - we should feel like peers, not influencers on a pedestal.
• I was the oldest (and most traditionally dressed) speaker - some even addressed me formally, which made me feel ancient! Yet I was arguably the most “alternative”, challenging the crowd not just on BSDs but on open source philosophy itself. Instead of blindly rewriting projects in Rust, I urged people to do so only when it truly adds value. I felt like a real hipster
• Many equate open source with large, corporate‑backed projects you can consume or contribute to. This narrow view risks creating mainstream currents dominated by a few profit‑driven companies, ultimately limiting choice and freedom.
• Despite time constraints (the ticking timer was painfully visible, I was a bit nervous while presenting!), I achieved my goal: to broaden minds and open eyes to the BSDs and the deeper spirit of open source. Several attendees - including fellow speaker Sal, whom I already admired - came to chat afterward, sparking wonderful discussions.
• Sometimes I observed a dismissive attitude toward anything outside the mainstream (“Ok, Boomer…”), reflecting a worrying trend. For many, open source is merely a paycheck, which saddens me.
• A few were genuinely curious about the BSDs but unsure how to apply it professionally. Almost everyone I spoke with uses Docker/Kubernetes but dislikes its complexity. I encouraged them to drive change from the ground up by learning different workflows and bringing that value into their work - not just replicating existing OS practices.
• One of the sponsors, Aruba Cloud, gifted me some swag - including a pair of blue socks emblazoned with a cloud logo. I can now literally say I’m walking on clouds (or that the cloud is at my feet)!
Folks don't understand how open source contributions work. If you want a feature, you don't come and say "make me this feature". Instead, you open a PR and ask for it to get merged.
Folks don't understand how community conferences work. If you want something to happen in the conference, you don't come and say "make this happen for me". Instead, you say "I want to volunteer and do this for your conference".
Join me in Limoges (France) on March 25, 2025, for a conference & live digital painting performance! (in French) I explain the topics, the format and more info on this blog-post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1067/conference-in-limoges-france-on-25-march
Join NV Access in just over an hour from now, at 1:20PM in Grand GH at the #CSUNATC25 conference in Anaheim, California, where we talk about NVDA 2025: New and Upcoming features - we have a LOT to share!
I’m thrilled to bring together two institutions that shaped my work: BarabásiLab & metaLAB (at) Harvard.
On June 11–12, 2025, we’re hosting Data | Art—a conference on how data entangles with artistic, scientific & curatorial practices.
We already have a stellar lineup of speakers! More soon: https://data-art.info/
It's really tricky to spread the word about events these days! I don't support corporate social media and you don't get read attention there anyway, mailing lists aren't what they once were, and this event wants to reach people across many patterny disciplines..
Any help spreading the word across all the strange pattern-obsessed communities much appreciated!
Algorithmic Pattern is a new festival and conference for people curious about the practice and culture of algorithmic pattern-making, across algorithmic music, arts and craft. The first edition will take place both in Sheffield UK and online, during September 2025.
The call for talks/papers is now open, deadline 2nd June - please see our website for details: https://2025.algorithmicpattern.org/call/
#textiles #weaving #algorave #livecoding #algorithmicart #cfp #conference #patterns #pattern #craft #juggling #siteswap #origami #geometry #ethnomathmatics #choreography
Never have I received so many invitations from #PR agencies to, please, attend a #conference in the US. #Flight and #hotel paid for.
This tells me: I am not the only #journalist who is not #traveling to the #US at this time.
Conférence "Droit et image : ce que vous pouvez faire ou pas avec vos photos"
C'est demain à 14h !
Join me at #scale22x to talk about #darktable! I'll be discussing anything and everything I know about darktable; it'll be an interactive Q&A/Workshop style "talk."
Sunday, March 9th.
Brussels (exact Location t.b.a.), Freitag, 26. September um 18:00 MESZ
Mark your calendars for Freedom Not Fear 2025!
The annual self-organized conference on digital rights and data protection will take place
on 26–29 September 2025 (Friday–Monday).
At Freedom Not Fear, people from across Europe and beyond come together to advocate for freedom in the digitalized world, plan actions against attacks on civil liberties and increasing surveillance, and seek discussions with decision-makers.
The date has been set and volunteers have started preparing the event. We are working to find the location and sort out funding. Also, we’re looking for more volunteers to help us organize the event. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 19 February, at 20:00 CET. If you would like to help and join this or any later meeting, or if you have any suggestions, please get in touch! [freedomnotfear.org]
Stay tuned and watch this space for the latest news: https://freedomnotfear.org/
We look forward to seeing you in September!
PS: If you plan to attend Freedom Not Fear, you might want to stay on 1–2 days to also attend Privacy Camp 2025 [privacycamp.eu], which is organized by European Digital Rights (EDRi) and others. This will take place on 30 September, the day after Freedom Not Fear closes.
Working on slides and demos for the upcoming #VSLive #lasvegas #conference next month.
Still lots of time to register and learn the latest about #dotnet #azure #blazor #devops and much more.
Developer Conferences and Even... [vslive.com]
Working on slides and demos for the upcoming #VSLive #lasvegas #conference next month.
Still lots of time to register and learn the latest about #dotnet #azure #blazor #devops and much more.
@SolarpunkConference why post videos from last year's conference only this year, 7 months later?
You know that people would really appreciate raw streams - especially those from the Global South who don't have US credit cards to go through your paywalls.
It will not damage your brand, it will only show that you embrace openness of #solarpunk to the whole world!
I'm sure the #peerTube folks could help!
Call for papers for conf.kde.in 2025 is now open!
Organizers of KDE's conference in India are looking for talks relevant to the KDE community and technology, as well as workshops or presentations targeted towards new contributors.
Submit your proposal today!
#cki2025 #events #conference #freesoftware #opensource #india
#BSides Philly talks from December are up for all!
#infosec #conference
Hey #solarpunk people from outside of the Global North!
@SolarpunkConference would like to hear your voices on why they should allow you to watch their online #conference without having a credit card compatible with the US payment system!
Do we have anyone from #Ukraine or anywhere in #Africa ? #Brazil ? #India ? #southAmerica ? #southEastAsia ?
If you keep hearing about FOSDEM but never got a chance to go there, here is how it looks like as seen by an attendee, fringe event organizer, stand organizer, and devroom organizer.
Also, trains
blog! “FOSDEM - The Good Parts and the Not-So-Good Parts”
I'm just back from my first ever FOSDEM - a megaconference dedicated to Free and Open Source technology and culture. It was epic. I'm still ruminating on the experience, but here are my first impressions of what did and didn't work.
The Good Bits
Really, it is a dozen conferences squeezed into one. Over …
Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2025/02/fosdem-the-good-parts-and-the-not-so-good-parts/
#conference #fosdem
Only three days to go until #OnlineAutscape2025! Registration remains open!
Music is an essential source of joy to many autistic people. At Online #Autscape, we are not just talking, we are sharing our music! All performers on the programme are autistic and some are music professionals.
Join in to hear performances by:
- Katja Gottschewski, Meri Bourgeois and Martijn “McDutchie” Dekker on 8th February, 19:00-19:30 GMT
- James Pelham, piano recital on 8th February, 20:30-21:00 GMT
- Madge Woollard, chillout classical piano on 9th February 14:00-14:30 GMT.
This autistic-led, autistic-run event is on from the 7th to the 9th.
Schedule & info: https://www.autscape.org/2025/programme/schedonline
Registration: https://www.autscape.org/2025/registration/
Please help #Autscape out by boosting this for visibility. Thanks :)