A women on a bicycle was hit by a truck on Sommerville Rd in Yarraville a month ago.
The police haven't charged the truck driver with anything and I really don't think they should. The truck driver is also a victim of this road design.
Prosecuting the truck driver won't achieve anything. It won't make truck drivers more careful and it won't stop incidents like this happening again.
This incident was inevitable because of the road design and will happen again because of the road design.
Sommerville Rd has a 90cm wide painted bike lane that is the door zone of parked cars. So if you're riding there you'll want to be as far right in the bike lane as you can be. This means that the maximum distance that a truck can pass a cyclist on this road is 1.3 metres if they hug the centre line.
This makes it unlikely that a truck driver will actually give a cyclist the 1m required passing distance and it means that cyclists are in the blindest blindspot of a truck once the truck has started overtaking them.
The intersection where this incident happened at is Williamstown Rd (https://maps.app.goo.gl/bbWNFEPdVrcqbAVi8)
The bike lane narrows and then just ends and merges in to the left/forward lane which is the lane motorists are also merging in to so they can get around right turning cars in the right lane.
From a vehicular cycling perspective, cyclists should be taking the middle of the single traffic lane before the intersection and before it splits in two so traffic is behind them not merging from beside them. That's the only way this could possibly work but that's not what the lane markings indicate and requires getting in front of 50km/h traffic that isn't expecting you to merge right. So instead the cyclist moves off to the left getting in to a less visible position from the merging traffic and runs out of road.
Even if the truck driver sees the cyclists in the few seconds of their approach, once they're beside the cyclist the cyclist is in their blindspot and they can't see the cyclist at all. Add a bit of stop start in traffic and a slight distraction and the truck driver will have lost track of the position of the cyclist by the time they get to the merge.
Expecting a human being to be this vigilant over a 12hr shift is just insane.
Blaming the truck driver is letting Transport Victoria off. The engineers that designed this dangerous road knew they were building a dangerous road and they also knew it when it was rebuilt (less than 2 yrs ago) to continue to be this dangerous. The engineers are to blame and fixing the road and the culture that created the road is the only way incidents like this can be prevented in future.
#melbourne #bicycles #RoadSafety
https://maribyrnonghobsonsbay.starweekly.com.au/news/road-set-up-for-failure/ [maribyrnonghobsonsbay.starweekly.com.au]