Oh The Urbanity! makes videos about cycling, public transport and urban planning. It's based in Canada, but it often looks at examples in other countries too. You can follow at:
There are already over 150 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://video.canadiancivil.com/a/ohtheurbanity/videos
Jan Beta makes videos about repairing and restoring old computers and other equipment, especially the Commodore Amiga and C64:
There are already over 40 videos uploaded. If they haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/jan_beta/videos
You can also follow Jan's general social media account at @janbeta
Franz Graf posts videos of hiking and cycling, especially in the hills and mountains of Germany:
They have already uploaded 13 videos. If these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://video.franzgraf.de/a/hikingdude/videos
You can also follow Graf's general social media account at @hikingdude@mastodon.social
Shifter posts excellent videos all about cycling including bikes, cycling tips, city cycling, bike accessories, maintenance, culture, preventing bike theft etc. You can follow at:
They've already posted over 270 videos. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://video.canadiancivil.com/a/shifter/videos
Thomas Preece makes videos about folk music and classical pieces, especially for the ukulele and ocarina. He has just moved to a new server, his new account is here:
There are already 49 videos uploaded, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/tepreece/videos
You can also follow Preece's general social media account at @thomas
Parsingphase mainly posts video clips of wildlife in their backyard in Massachusetts, USA:
They have already posted over 200 videos, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://spectra.video/a/parsingphase/videos
You can also follow their general social media account at @parsingphase@m.phase.org
Thunderbird is a free open source communications suite (supports email, RSS, XMPP, IRC, Matrix, Usenet). They have an official video account at:
They've already posted 29 videos, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://tilvids.com/a/thunderbird/videos
They also have a general social media account at @thunderbird@mastodon.online
Mans1 is a Swiss-French hiphop artist posting their tracks and music videos:
They've already posted 37 videos, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://v.basspistol.org/a/mans1/videos
Gardiner Bryant makes videos about gaming on Linux, especially the Steam Deck, and related topics. You can follow at:
There are already 128 videos uploaded, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://subscribeto.me/a/gbryant/videos
You can also follow Bryant's general social media account at @gardiner_bryant
ShiftyPumpkin is a painter who posts timelapse videos of creating oil paintings, you can follow at:
There are already 14 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/shiftypumpkin/videos
Kate Hildenbrand makes wonderful videos about gardening, the environment, animals, nature, cooking and other topics. You can follow at:
There are already 174 videos uploaded. If they haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://video.katehildenbrand.com/a/kate/videos
You can also follow Hildenbrand's general social media account at @rootsandcalluses
ObsidianUrbex posts short video clips of abandoned buildings and urban exploration, usually silent:
There are already 35 videos uploaded, if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://lostpod.space/a/obsidianurbex/videos
These clips are to accompany a photography account documenting the same locations at:
If you enjoy videos about Linux and free open source software, you might want to follow the Linux Experiment:
There are already over 300 videos uploaded, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://tilvids.com/a/thelinuxexperiment/videos
You can also follow the Linux Experiment's general social media account at @thelinuxEXP
Kerry Ferrand is a New Zealander making book review videos, covering both fiction and non-fiction. You can follow at:
There are already seven videos uploaded, you can browse them all at https://spectra.video/a/kerry_ferrand/videos
The videos have subtitles in English, click CC to see them.
Helen McLaughlin makes painting videos that show how she creates her art:
There are already over 30 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/helenmclaughlin/videos
You can also follow McLaughlin's general social media account at @helenmclaughlinart