URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$210/630 DUE MARCH 25
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$210/630 DUE MARCH 25
CW // Vore / Mawshot / (Protogen)
Moaaarr blueeee
#12 ft. ACE from GD_Taylor on Furaffinity
QSFer Elizabeth Spencer has a new queer YA fantasy steampunk book out (ace): Those Who Went Before.
The Lady in White and the Hunter of Night is Helvensgate’s most beloved children’s tale. It tells of two lovers, blessed by magic, whose quest ended with them sleeping for centuries, hand in hand, until they can be together once more.
All of ...
#Fantasy #LGBTQBookstodon @lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks #bookstodon @bookstodon #books #NewRelease #Ace #Asexual #YoungAdult
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$585/630 DUE IN 2 DAYS
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$535/630 DUE IN 2 DAYS
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$210/630 DUE MARCH 25
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$535/630 DUE IN 3 DAYS
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$210/630 DUE MARCH 25
Asexuality Is Finally Breaking Free from Medical Stigma | Scientific American
pues voy a presentarme yo también que hace mucho que no lo hago y veo que está entrando mucha gente nueva:
Holi! Me llamo Victoria y dibujo cositas.
Me gusta mucho #leer, los #videojuegos y el #kpop, pero mi cosa favorita sin duda son mis gatitas: Karma , que tiene ya casi dieciséis años y nos está enterrando a todes uno a uno, y Mochi
, a la que, en una noche oscura de verano, arranqué de las fauces del perro de mi madre con tan solo un mes y medio (fue muy dramático pero igual menos de lo que pueda sonar
Hablo mucho de la Mochita porque no para de sembrar el caos, de Karma menos porque está todo el día durmiendo como buena marquesa que es.
Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en poner en marcha una tiendita online con mis diseños y me quejo mucho sobre impresoras y papel.
Soy #autista y tengo #tdah y a veces también me gusta hablar de ello. También soy #ace, pero aún lo estoy explorando porque me di cuenta recientemente y no sé muy bien en qué punto del espectro caigo.
Bienvenides, espero que nos veamos mucho por aquí, un besito
Why do we have to opt out of porn (in too many ways to catch it all) when it should be opt in? Are ACE and kids encouraged to join Mastodon or not?
Porn is just as much of an obnoxious timewaster as AI.
I wish there was a blanket no porn setting.
People complain they must opt out of AI when it should be opt in. I feel the same about porn.
Quiero conectar con personas #LGBTQIA+ sobre todo personas del espectro asexual.
Soy nobinaria, bi y grisasexual. Me identifico mucho con el término 'queer'.
Bloque de texto comentando «Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society and the Meaning of Sex»
2) Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society and the Meaning of Sex
Angela Chen, 2020
Súper feliz de haber encontrado este pedazo de ensayo sobre la asexualidad. Excelente, increíble, maravilloso. Yo ya tenía algunas ideas sobre el tema a raíz de haber aprendido un poquito sobre lo queer, pero precisamente lo que más había echado de menos era abordar la #asexualidad de forma explícita.
Para mí, una de las claves del libro es mostrar cómo la sexualidad obligatoria y la amatonorma se enmarcan en una sociedad cisheteropatriarcal, capacitista y racista. Lo único que echo de menos es que ahonde más en la relación de todo esto con la familia monógama en el sistema capitalista (aunque sí se habla de no monogamias). Aún asi, presenta ideas muy potentes, lo recomiendo mucho. Lo malo es que creo que solo está en inglés :(
#ace #asexual #nomonogamias #queer #LGTBIQA
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$210/630 DUE MARCH 25
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$210/630 DUE MARCH 25
URGENT please help Dej! they are a #queer, #neurodivergent #artist on the way to self-employment. they need #rent support while they work on covering back payments.
$120/630 DUE JAN 25
Okay, let's talk about video games. Specifically, let's talk about games where either
a)A playable character is asexual or aromantic (inclusive or), or
b)A customizable PC can be made asexual or aromantic.
For the purpose of this thread, I'm only considering characters who are clearly stated in-game to be ace or aro (possibly using synonyms): out-of-game statements by the developer do not count. I'm also only considering player characters, not NPCs.
Here are the examples I can think of off the top of my head. Spoilers ahoy!
A Year of Springs, a visual novel by @npckc@misskey.io : One of the three PCs is AroAce. Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One
Our Life: Beginnings & Always: A visual novel where almost everything about the protagonist can be customized, including their orientation. Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Kitsune Tails, a 2D platformer by @eniko@peoplemaking.games , where one of the PCs is aro. Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, and eventually consoles.
Many games by Choice of Games/Hosted Games/Heart's Choice: This is a company that makes text-based games which are like a cross between RPGs and choose-your-own-adventure novels. They have over 1000 titles by many different authors across their main brand (Choice of Games) and their imprints Hosted Games and Heart's Choice. They vary considerably in how "game-y" they are, and in length. Of those that have romance, they almost all allow you to choose your character's orientation. Platform: All are available in a web browser, most are also on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.
What else is there? What would y'all recommend?
#Asexual #Aromantic #Ace #Aro #Gaming
Hello fellow aro/ace people! After coming to the realization, I've been more inclined to notice just how much music is about sex and love.
I just want to preface by saying that I have nothing against a song being about that and I think it's good that artists write about things dear to them. I still enjoy a good deal of love songs for many reasons.
What has happened though, is that after realizing that people genuinely feel what they sing (albeit maybe exagerated), which I was previously oblivious to, I feel like there's not as much music catered to my experience, I guess?
What I'm looking for is song recommendations for songs about other joys/aspects in life, maybe about really good friendships, or other aroace bangers?
Boosts welcome!
If your mom isn't gay, then what is she even doing? Same @ ur dad, bro.
(Are you gay? When was your last Gaygenda meeting?
Did you file the notes from last time? SCUBAdriver69420 said she couldn't access it so check the password and make sure you get the right user this time. SCUBAdriver42069 was very confused.)
PSA: I'm using 'Gay' and 'Queer' generally to mean
"You understand that our societal structures (based on inherent hierarchies of worth) are baseless debauchery, deserving only our contempt".
If that seems odd or wrong to you,
then I invite you to consider self-hating non- (cis and het and allo) people who act like performing for (cis het allo) people will grant them reliable power.
It won't.
(Hmm... "CHA"? Like for cis gender, hetero sexual, and non-asexual or allo sexual people. CHA is also pronounceable and more memorable to me than cis het which always makes me think of cishet, to sound like "sachet". You're not ketchup?! No one is ketchup?)
But also https://www.youtube.com/@Trash-Garbage-Trash is good. Go watch them.