For #InternationalMensDay, I only really want to address one aspect of malehood that probably isn't being discussed much: #Asexuality.
If you are an ace man who has ever been demeaned or embarrassed or otherwise humiliated because you have no desire to engage in sex, feel little to no sexual attraction, or are merely repulsed by sex, then know that you are no less of a man for it. Masculinity and sexuality are not the same issues, but they go hand in hand due to most cultures' patriarchal bent. Anyone who takes your ace identity as an insult against masculinity does not understand anything but a flawed concept of weakness vs strength.
Being a man is more than just gender or sexual identity. Masculinity can be positive or negative. True positive masculinity is accepting that men are not so cut and dry. Gay men, Trans men, Ace men, however you identify yourself, nobody can take it away from you.
As an ace man, I've occasionally felt a nagging inside that maybe I'm not really a true man. That, of course, is internalized misogyny and acephobia. And that's horseshit. My dick doesn't define me. It's a feeling I have inside. I know that I'm a man, and I also know that sex means very little to me, at this point in my life. They are mutually exclusive concepts.
To all my male brothers, whoever you are, whatever you look like, whoever you love, never doubt your identity just because some chud thinks you're weak. True strength comes from having a strong character, and you have that in spades.
Lots of love.