I didn’t know this. What was Franco’s reaction, I wonder. If any. #WWII #españa #spain #franco #japan #phillipines https://mastodon.social/@onthisday/114210360969184463
I didn’t know this. What was Franco’s reaction, I wonder. If any. #WWII #españa #spain #franco #japan #phillipines https://mastodon.social/@onthisday/114210360969184463
That's a group I've never heard mentioned much. How on earth did they end up killing three million prisoners?
Were mass executions of them not illegal yet and viewed as similar to being killed in combat?
Did they just starve them?
The U.S. Defense Department said it is working to restore a deleted webpage hosting an iconic photo of six Marines hoisting an American flag on Iwo Jima in 1945, following an uproar over its removal. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/19/japan/politics/us-pentagon-dei-japan-removals/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #politics #us #military #defense #donaldtrump #wwii #history #censorship
'End of an era': Last surviving Battle of Britain pilot dies
More #history removed from #US Govt websites
This time, the famous #NavajoCodeTalkers
The #Dine created a code from their language #DineBizaad. Throughout the Pacific Theatre of #WWII they were crucial for communications: #ImperialJapan had no way to understand what they were saying
And now the #bigotry in charge has blotted their contributions
Their webpages are now 404, and the URL renamed with "#DEI"
This stupidity and hate will not end. And will turn worse
There it is again, the 'be grateful' schtick. This time on WWII.
"“My advice to that unnamed low-level French politician would be to remind them that it’s only because of the United States of America that the French are not speaking German right now. So they should be very grateful to our great country,” she told reporters.”
This is getting EXTREMELY old and I can tell you right now WWII veterans in Canada, the UK, Commonwealth, France and all over the world and probably a whole bunch of US veterans as well, would turn their backs on these self-aggrandizing baffoons in the US Administration.
#WWII #Canada #CanPoli #USA #Europe #France #EU
16 March 1926: Robert Goddard launches 1st liquid-fueled rocket. His faith in the potential of rocketry earned scorn from his fellow Americans. The Nazis, however, were deeply interested in his research, which helped them to design the V-2 #WWII
After World War II, America hired former Nazis and placed them in high positions in their government. We shouldn't be taking advice on how to deal with Nazis from America of all places. Let's take advice on how to deal with Nazis from the Soviet Union. The only thing the Soviets gave to the Nazis wasn't high-ranking government positions, but a fucking rope around their worthless necks.
i swear to god no matter how well i think i know the story of world war II there's still always historical surprises out there.
(and while i'm here i'll mention the oldest living #holocaust survivor died last week)
A senior official of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Nihon Hidankyo urged the world to push for the abolition of nuclear weapons during a meeting at U.N. headquarters in New York. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/04/japan/hidankyo-meeting-urge-abolition/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #nihonhidankyo #wwii #us #nuclearweapons #atomicbombings #nobelprize #hiroshima #nagasaki
In the interest of freedom, you are welcome to share, reproduce, and modify this. Video is from @MAKS23
“And if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made. We should prove ourselves once more able to defend our island home. To ride out the storm of war. And to outlive the menace of tyranny. If necessary for years. If necessary, alone.”
Winston Churchill.
And today, 80 years later, we have the Ukrainian President essentially warning that the US led world order that came out of WWII thanks to the incredible sacrifice of millions soldiers from America and all over the world is coming to an end. He is proposing a world where Europe has its own fighting force to stave off fascist, imperial forces on its borders.
History has some rhythm to it.
#RussianUkraineWar #WWII
"#Mexico por la libertad"
#WWII era anti-#Nazi #Mexican #propaganda poster
This poster goes goes hard!
Further info:
I ask students what they associate with FDR, many will say: the internment of Japanese Americans (not the New Deal or victory in #WWII).
I was unusual in that I learned about the internment before it was taught in the schools: among my parents' closest friends were internees
83 years ago around this time, my grandparents were 9 and 7 years old when British forces lost Singapore to the Japanese, after the British confidently declared that those Orientals could never defeat them.
The Japanese crossed into Singapore on a fleet of bicycles, bypassing British naval power.
What followed was 3 years of occupation as Singapore was renamed Syonan-to. My grandparents remember singing the Japanese anthem.
3 days after the Japanese won, they began a purge of mostly ethnic Chinese people in Singapore as retaliation for perceived overseas Chinese assistance to China, a few years earlier. 50 000 people died.
My grandparents never wanted to eat a single sweet potato or yam or tapioca ever again later in their lives, because that’s all they had to eat.
Drei eindrucksvolle #Ausstellungen im UN-Hauptquartier in New York! Anlässlich des Internationalen #HolocaustGedenktag 2025 & 80 Jahre nach dem Ende der #Shoah und des #WWII.
Bis 21.02.25
UN Visitors' Lobby, New York
Philippine Mars being pulled out of the water, likely for the last time ever, as we speak! Lake Pleasant, AZ.
It's a little drier down there than the West Coast of Canada!
#MartinMars #PhilippineMars #PimaAirAndSpace #WWII #Live
Martin JRM Mars "Philippine Mars" touches down in the SF Bay, today Sunday February 9th, 2025 Dark Blue plane and brutal backlighting gives it a Swiss cheese look through its portholes #coulson #phillipineMars #MartinMars #wwii #aircraft #photography #militaryaviation #aviationphotography #AvGeek #spotter #photography #aircraft #milair #nikon #amphibian #seaplane