Mentre #Microsoft si prepara a deprecare #Skype per maggio, potrebbe essere una buona idea provare alternative #FOSS come #Mumble, #Jitsi e @bigbluebutton per chiamate/videochiamate. Specificamente per Mumble, ho il mio server a mumble:// aperto 24/7! Feci anche qualche mese fa un video tutorial in italiano riguardo Mumble, link nei commenti!
As #Microsoft prepares to phase out #Skype in May, it might be a good idea to try out #FOSS alternatives such as #Mumble, #Jitsi and @bigbluebutton for voice/video conferencing. Specifically for Mumble, I have my own server at mumble:// open 24/7!
Nach 22 Jahren sagt #Skype "Goodbye". #Microsoft schaltet den #VoIP-Dienst im Mai 2025 ab. #Teams wird zum neuen Kommunikationszentrum. Gnadenfrist für User mit Abo oder Guthaben,149227.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
I am not a "phone person". But my home and business will need phones (and I think we'd like them to be separate).
OTOH, I'm about to ditch my phone company, which is a regional monopoly, so no more land line.
I think the obvious thing is to subscribe to a VOIP service to replace it -- so phone would go over the broadband internet.
I am a babe in these woods.
What should I beware of? Costs? Hidden costs? Security and privacy concerns?
@seabikeblog well, I do know prices in the #USA are higher but even a cheap prepaid MVNO charges like $2,50 p.m. for a number [] and since they mostly focus on operating a #COPPA-compliant #VoIP network that only allows calling selected numbers outbound, the real cost is likely in the $3-5 p.m. area on average.
Their hardware should be in the realm of ~ $40 per unit []...
Now granted, this is a consumer-facing business and OFC they'll have to support said customers with staff on retainer & payroll, so for everyone who doesn't feel comfortable or skilled to setup their own or pay way more upfront and monthly for higher flexibility, their offering makes sense.
@seabikeblog Imean, $ 9,99 p.m. for a locked-down #VoIP seems pricy at first, but then again I also have to acknowledge they gonna burn like half a year of revenue per customer just with consultation and setup questions [tech support may be cheap, but never free!]...
Also reminds me of something similar that local MVNOs offered which was a mobile plan for children their parents could sign up with a flatrate and emergency tracking option integrated in their SIM-lock'd handsets.
(AFAIK it was #toggoMobil but apparently that one got axed due to lack of subscribers as cheap prepaid ate up their market!)
@cwebber yes, and we already have options for that:
#JitsiMeet, #WebCall and other #WebRTC-based comms.
#OnionShare, #Wormhole, #oshi, #BitTorrent & #IPFS for #Filesharing.
#Nextcloud et. al. for collaboration.
@fosdem #FOSDEM ask: If you have any #Cisco #SPA500 series #VoIP phones you don't need any more or might be cycling out of use over the year, please get in contact with us / me.
We have had fixed phones at a few key locations this past weekend and want to expand the use of static phones. So an upper bound of maybe 50-60 phones would be very useful to us accounting for all devrooms and for a few spares.
Edit: Retoots explicitly appreciated.
Finishing up a VOIP install this week so might as well give a shout out to one of its inventors Marian Croak. She developed a lot of the underpinning s for VOIP in the 90s at AT&T (ironically we are now using VOIP so this client no longer has to be an AT&T customer.)
I haven't yet been able to find anything definitive, but the provider you just posted a blog link to - "Hushed" appears to be based in Canada, so at the very least, presumably they would service that country. Being based outside the US, I wonder if they might be more mindful of supporting nations other than the US, but I didn't quite have the time to look into it further yet.
Speaking of gear that I'd really like to get up and running again, there's this Equinox SuperSerial hub that's been occupying rack space for a while.
I think I originally picked this up with a specific want to do something like the Dial Up Lan-Party mentioned elsewhere.
I wonder how fast you can get a stable dial-up connection to work over an upstream #VoIP provider like Twilio, if anything.
5 Reasons You Should Use a Virtual Phone Number
#DearVendors of #Android-#Tablets:
Off all the #Functions you can put into a #Specifications Sheet of your Devices there's one you should ALWAYS answer clearly on your #Website:
You're obviously able to list all the #Codecs natively supported and the user-available storage as well as supported Frequency Bands, WWAN modes, WiFi channel width and the Display Glass vs. Panel dimensions including DPI of the latter and whether or not it has a hall effect sensor to detect your overpriced 1st party tablet covers!
Now some folks may ask: "WHY does this matter?" or outright dismiss this as a problem.
Not everyone is able or willing to carry two devices when 1 SHOULD BE ENOUGH and also some places (i.e. #Turkey) have #ImportRestrictions re: #MobileDevices, so having more than 1 #IMEI is already a "NOPE!" by the authorities.
So why do NONE of the #Tablet manufacturers allow to #search or #filter for that???
NO, instead one has to download an obscenely huge #PDF just to then read on page 34 [] that for any "#telephony" function you NEED YET ANOTHER DEVICE FROM THE SAME MANUFACTURER AND HAVE TO SIGNUP WITH AN ACCOUNT and even that level of #abuse WON'T GUARANTEE THAT IT WORKS...
Pretty shure A LOT of other folks have the same question and ain't willing to get yet another device & #SIM just to recieve the occasional call because #TechIlliterates can't be assed to send an #eMail or learn #XMPP+#OMEMO to message one...
My office is moving to Zoom phones. Has anyone set up a VoIP-analog gateway that will ring a conventional POTS phone? I want to rig up an unholy connection to a Model 500 over twisted pair!
heise+ | Festnetzanschlüsse am Smartphone nutzen
Mit den richtigen Apps ist man auch unterwegs auf seiner Festnetznummer erreichbar und telefoniert zum Festnetztarif über mobiles Internet oder WLAN.
Blick ins Heft c’t 1/2025: Die c’t-Security-Checklisten 2025
Bots interessiert es nicht, ob sie ein Unternehmen angreifen oder eine Privatperson. "Es wird mich schon nicht treffen" ist deshalb eine ganz schlechte Ausrede.
It has also occurred to me that I can string up a #VOIP #Gateway to the #PBX and run it to my router, and then use Google Voice to give myself essentially a free #landline #telephone number this way. And then I can even go further and built my own #dialup #ISP from this. And then I can connect my fucking #Sega #Dreamcast to the #internet over actual #dialup 56k.
And yes, I'm doing this.