My Biggest Deal mentally I think is I'm like...scared of doing Too Good. Because Shitty Pushy Parents Expect So Much. Like I gotta be dumb to say fuck you.
Hate that. Hate brains. Fuck brains. Not literally. Ew.
My Biggest Deal mentally I think is I'm like...scared of doing Too Good. Because Shitty Pushy Parents Expect So Much. Like I gotta be dumb to say fuck you.
Hate that. Hate brains. Fuck brains. Not literally. Ew.
Some people are so _poisonous_ that not even understanding them is an effective _antidote_.
How does one recognize whether or not what one experienced was narcissistic abuse?
It's not like one can ask the hypothetical abuser. They will deny it. Is learning about the patterns of narcissistic abuse and subsequently recognizing them as how they show up in one's lived experience the best one can do?
I find that a very unsatisfactory conclusion but it does seem like the best one can do. I probably lived in a relationship with at least narcissistic abuse patterns. And the unsolvable ambiguity of it all bothers me.
Government workers: the Trauma you are feeling is intentional. It's part of their strategy to demoralize as they destroy the very fabric of the federal government.
ProPublica predicted it all.
As I work on my misanthropy, it will help to remember that the fediverse itself is a beacon of hope. When you subtract the corrosive influences of power and money, people can form civil, pro-social, and diverse communities. #mentalhealth #trauma #cptsd
Analysis: "The ‘Pick Me’ mindset and childhood trauma"
"For a long time, I thought I was different—better, even—than other women."
I dismissed women’s opinions, rolled my eyes at anything too girly, prided myself on being one of the boys, believing "it made me smarter, cooler, above all that "feminine drama".
"But the truth? I wasn’t different. I was just drowning in internalized misogyny."
#Misogyny #FalseConsciousness #WomensLiberation #Psychology #USPol #Trauma .
mental health -
I had a relapse or breakdown or something this weekend, and I don't know how I'm going to feel about the world tomorrow. I hope I feel a little better.
My childhood was marked by this series. The intro still sends shivers down my spine! Scary, yet so informative!
The anniversary of my Dad's death from #covid cardiac arrest is coming up again in June. If anyone wants to support me & my family with our remembrance of my Dad & also help support us in long battle for justice from unmasked #SaanichPolice - please add me on your Signal - phoenixserenity.54
I'd like to compile a bunch of audio messages & any kind of artwork for this year's ceremony of beloved remembrance for my Dad. He died after getting infected by unmasked staff in local hospital. Unmasked cops, including the lead cop, Jason Whittaker - who is president of the SPD union abused us. I also want to compile something to let Saanich PD know - I am not fucking letting this go.
Please record:
Fuck you, Jason Whittaker & add whatever you want to rest of audio recording.
Please create Fuck You, Jason Whittaker or similar messages to #Saanich Police & tell them what you think of their antimasking egotistical loser of a 'leader' they chose to represent them.
Pre Orders for 1001 Accurate Memories Now Open
1001 Accurate Memories represents a seven year odyssey birthed from an artist’s blood, guts and tears. It offers a series insights into class, disability and the flailing state of German (traumatic) memory culture. 1001 Accurate Memories are inscribed parallel to almost as many drawings, sketches, photographs and other artistic endeavors.
There are no special giveaways for pre ordering. The goal is to increase the print run from 100 to 150/200 copies. Each sale creates proportionally more and more copies!
Released first on #Mastodon
Dispatched April-May.
Pandemics change people. We aren’t used to dealing with the mass death, disability & uncertainty that comes with them.
Unfortunately due to technology & misinformation, society is choosing NOT to process its collective trauma.
Most people are firmly in denial about COVID, and many are grasping on to conspiracy theories and harmful rhetoric in order to return to their 2019 version of “normal”.
That denial is changing us. Refusing to deal with trauma has consequences.
We’re becoming more detached, reckless and apathetic.
There’s still time to change. It starts with acknowledging that the threat has not passed and we all need to do our part to protect our health & the health of those around us.
We have to begin to adapt so that we can heal.
Nature–society relations in disaster governance frameworks
"This paper studies how the relations between nature and society are constructed in disaster governance frameworks. Dominant disaster governance frameworks present nature and society as separate realms, and the organisation of society is increasingly seen as the key cause of hazards and disasters. Disaster impacts are similarly framed around adverse societal consequences, while other-than-human nature is merely the background across which disasters unfold, as property lost, or a means of disaster governance. Although the centrality of human impacts is troubled when biodiversity or a disaster flagship species is threatened, neither situation challenges the nature–society dualism embedded in dominant disaster governance frameworks. The attention and resources of disaster governance target the societal side of nature–society dualism. This study finds, though, that in peripheries characterised by remoteness from centres of power, a sparse human population, and large spaces of other-than-human nature, the vulnerabilities facing humans and other-than-human nature risk being ungoverned."
Meriläinen, E. (2025). Nature–society relations in disaster governance frameworks. Disasters, 49(2), e12678. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/disa.12678
#disasters #NaturalDisasters #governance #property #tourism #NSW #remoteness #FossilFuels #ClimateBreakdown #acceleration #climate #Bushfires #floods #cyclone #FirstResponders #trauma #nature #biodiversity #forests #NSWLogging #roads #koalas #deforestation #OtherThanHumanNature #NatureSocietyDualism #peripheries #vulnerability
With my therapist yesterday, describing some of my worst traumas, examining which has given me the most emotional pain I could feel in the moment of telling the story...
The worst of those 4 or more stories was being punished for not waking up right away, I wasnt fast enough for them.
The result of that punishment:
I struggle to sleep present day because I am waking up to any sudden sound.
Rushing, overall, is bad for me. Society goes too fast for me, always has been this way.
The effect of heightened cortisol levels. Do these symptoms sound familiar?
Scarring more easily
Poor sleep
Weight gain (esp around stomach)
Digestive issues
Unexplained aches and pains
Hard to build and maintain muscle
Poor circulation
Allergy flare ups, eczema
I've been trying to hate myself less for a long time, but I finally feel like I'm making strides. It requires a lot more courage than it sounds like.
Who is Melachoir?
I am an Indigiqueer, Occult, and Indie poet who explores themes such as identity, rebellion, liberation, and transformation through my creative work.
If you are an outcast, a scapegoat, or someone who finds poetry within the margins, you are not alone!
- More Info -
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/melachoir/home
Email Newsletter: https://melachoir.substack.com/
Y aurait-il parmi voustes des retours sur le somatic experiencing pour lutter contre les traumas ?
J'envisage d'aller voir une praticienne qui a l'air expérimentée mais malgré les témoignages sur le site de l'association francophone, je m'interroge encore.
Je trouve intéressante l'idée de ne pas avoir à ressasser l'origine du traumatisme.