So the 3 main areas of increased crime are child offenders, domestic violence and shop stealing.
We also know that mental health has declined since the pandemic began. Anxiety over the virus & lockdowns have since been replaced by growing anxiety over climate change, wars in Ukraine & Israel (and in Sudan, but hey, that involves black people in Africa so we don’t hear about that), and now the fascist takeover of a superpower. Oh, and most Australians rejected the notion of Indigenous Australians having a Voice.
This is not a law and order crisis. It is a mental health crisis. When social stability breaks down, aggravated by cost of living pressure, some people crack. Yes, we have to address toxic masculinity, but when that flares up worse than usual, we need to ask ourselves why. And when children act out badly, we need to ask ourselves why. Expecting adolescents to mend their ways while society offers little reason for hope in their corner of the world is both cruel and pointless.
Six graphs reveal the true state of crime in Victoria and who’s behind it https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/mar/21/six-graphs-reveal-the-true-state-of-in-victoria-and-whos-behind-it?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other