I consider this standard practice in accomodating #RSD, and I try to remember to include it for anyone that experiences RSD or might experience it.
I consider this standard practice in accomodating #RSD, and I try to remember to include it for anyone that experiences RSD or might experience it.
Anyways. It's Hella fucking expensive to be examined for an adhd/autism diagnosis. Idk how or why insurance paid for it.
I support self diagnosis, as long as we aren't doing anything crazy with it, like using it as a tool to hurt folks.
(You can use any diagnosis as a tool to hurt folks...)
There will be another time to look at *why* so many autistics and adhd people don't make it into Research about their own condition. (Hint, it's years of discrimination)
I thought I was a robot as a child. Not because i was playing pretend.
It was because I felt so different from everyone and I couldn't connect with them, so I must be either an alien or a robot.
I knew I was different when i was 3 or 4 years old.
Oh I was also told by a psychiatrist I had to get rid of my depression/anxiety before I could be examined for adhd or autism.
The levels of ableism... mind boggling.
I was told I was "too smart" to have autism or adhd. I was told I was "too old" to be examined and if I was examined, it wouldn't make a difference in my life anyways. I was told I "speak too well". (Which also turns out to be racist. Another story.)
It has made a big difference, let's just say.
I do suggest people going to a psych to get a differential diagnosis (like bipolar, depression, bpd, schizophrenia).
I'm so mad I want to say 'fuck researchers' and 'fuck medical science' but I can't because I believe in peer reviewed, well studied methodical research. I also believe in medical science.
But it's not OK to let people just "fall through the cracks". I thought I was *crazy*, hearing voices. Turns out your brain constantly thinking is a common ADHD symptom. And my doctors and psych staff either didn't know or didn't care.
Research about adhd and autism ALWAYS seems to be done by neurotypical (aka "normal") people who have no fucking clue what it's like to have ADHD or Autism!
I DID all the right things. I got therapists, I got meds, i talked to psychiatrists and doctors. And they all ignored me and gaslit me pertaining to ADHD and autism. None of them gave a damn.
They told me UNTRUE information about ADHD/Autism. I just got a professional diagnosis a few months ago. I scored a medium high.
All the fucking sources for ADHD and autism online pertain to parents these children!!!
These Tiktokers may be telling their lived experiences of actual ADHD!
Also, I want to know how fucking many of the researchers have ADHD, Autism, or another ND. Because there's a fucking lot of NT people telling ND people what they should be like. Fucking bullshit.
The DSM 5 and listening to ppl on ADHD/autism forums is better than TikTok. But fuck these condescending fucks.
Heard a news story about Tiktokers making ADHD videos.
Researchers looked at the accuracy of these videos and asked people which ones were credible. People still believed the videos about ADHD they thought were less credible.
And the researchers suggested that people go see a therapist and look up the credentials of the Tiktokers before believing them about ADHD.
And I'm livid. (Triggered I guess.)
I'm not one to promote Tiktok as a source of information. However:
#ADHD isn't just an inability to pay attention.
It's also:
* Inability to STOP focusing
* Rejection sensitivity
* Working memory
* Time blindness
* Sleep rhythm differences
* Impulsiveness
* Potential anxiety issues
* Prioritization challenges
* Processing differences (verbal> digital)
* Sensory issues
* Comorbidities (eg #autism / #epilepsy)
* Libido differences
* Procrastination
...and many others. And then add that each person has a different mix of all of them!
There needs to be a hotline for #ADHD brains that refuse to work.
"Set a timer?"
"Ugh, no, not today."
"Do you have co-working pals?"
"Okay, how about stepping away from the keyboard and planning everything out on paper? Do you have multi-coloured pens or markers? Coloured pencils?"
"Hmm. Yeah, that works. Analog FTW! Thanks."
"No worries. Call back if you end up in the swamp again."
Shortly after I learned I have #adhd I had a bit of a time coming to grips with that.
One morning, while travelling, I wrote a #poem. I scribbled rapidly, overlapped the words on top of another and by the end I was left with a mess of a page. It was #poetry that existed only for me and only within that moment. It was an incredibly cathartic experience.
That #AuDHD moment when you want to help someone, give a metric shit ton of advice, and then immediately wonder if it was a good idea or even wanted or if you should just go back to bed even though your meds are kicking in so there's a snowball's chance in hell of ever going back to sleep while ruminating on whether you should've said anything in the first place
Maladaptive daydreaming and #adhd.
Hey, I want to warn anyone with #ADHD or anyone who is #autistic that ONO Rollers have nickel in them. The hinges that hold the rollers in place are made of nickel, so if you have an allergy to it you will not have a fun time with them.
Worst part about this is they do not list this at all in their product description which I believe is incredibly deceptive. Please boost if you see this to spread the word.
I am so commercial adverse that that they make me physically ill. I partly blame my ADHD but I primarily blame the skeevy mental manipulation they contain.
I have literally turned off shows and podcasts because I couldn’t stand hearing another commercial.
“But how else are we supposed to make mo-“ quit fucking wasting my time with manipulative eye and ear garbage!
If you design experiments with users I want you to take this idea seriously. Today I seem to be involved in an A/B test that slightly changes a color scheme in a way that looks broken. I have #ADHD. We goof around here, but ADHD is classified as a disability *for a reason*. This has wasted an hour of my time so far trying to understand why this little detail of my environment, that I physically cannot ignore, is different. I kinda have a guess now, but it is still bothering me. I can't focus.
"nycki, what do your adhd meds actually do?"
okay have you ever had one of those wobbly cables that you have to plug in a few times before it starts charging your phone
imagine if it worked the first time.