Today in BoneQuest History for March 22nd 2020 "TWO MORE THINGS" https://bonequest.com/7672 #bonequest
#9gag #coding #deuce_pants_spigot #drunk_deuce #holocaust #richie_cordell #tiffany #unicode #utf_8
Today in BoneQuest History for March 22nd 2020 "TWO MORE THINGS" https://bonequest.com/7672 #bonequest
#9gag #coding #deuce_pants_spigot #drunk_deuce #holocaust #richie_cordell #tiffany #unicode #utf_8
Today in Labor History March 22, 1943: The Nazi-affiliated Schutzmannschaft Battalion burnt alive everyone from the village of Khatyn, Belarus, near Minsk. They did it in retaliation for an attack on German troops by Soviet partisans. Himmler created Schutzmannschaft police units in 1941. By 1942, they had over 300,000 members. They slaughtered Jews throughout the Baltics, Ukraine and Belarus. They also served as guards at forced labor camps. In total, Nazis and Nazi collaborators slaughtered over 2 million people just in Belarus during the three years of Nazi occupation. This was nearly 25% of the entire population. Of these, 800,000 were Jews, or about 90% of the Jewish population.
"One of many #Holocaust remembrance articles taken down as part of the Hegseth’s effort to rid Pentagon platforms of anything related to DEI. . . . Also removed was an article on Bea Arthur, the Jewish “Golden Girls” star who served in the Marines during World War II."
May the ghost of #BettyWhite haunt you fascists every day & night.
These are the people, I mean #Nazis, who say they want to protect Jews from #antisemitism? Give me an effin' break.
"Articles about the Holocaust, September 11, cancer awareness, sexual assault, and suicide prevention are among the tens of thousands either removed or flagged for removal from Pentagon websites as the department has scrambled to comply with Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth’s order to scrub 'diversity' content from all its platforms."
~ Natasha Bertrand, Haley Britzky and Oren Liebermann
#Musk #Trump #Hegseth #DEI #Pentagon #Holocaust #September11 #research
Today in Labor History March 19, 1933: Nazis arrested Jewish antifascist photographer Gerda Taro and interrogated her about a supposed communist plot to overthrow Hitler. She had previously been arrested for distributing anti-fascist literature. The Nazis eventually let her go and she fled to France, and then Yugoslavia. She died at the age of 26, photo-documenting the Spanish Republican war against Franco and the fascists. Some said that she was responsible, along with Robert Capa, of inventing the genre of war photography. Capa was actually the nom de guerre of Taro’s lover, Endre Friedmann, a Hungarian Jew who taught her the art of photography and who later went on to found Magnum Photos, along with French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. “Capa” was Friedmann’s street name, back in Hungary. It meant “shark.”
Quoting Stephen Kapos on the duty to stand against injustice:
[...] I say this as a Holocaust Survivor that the genocide in Gaza, is not happening in my name and in our name. The way that the Israeli government is using the memory of the Holocaust in order to justify what they're doing to the Gazans is a complete insult to the memory of the Holocaust it's an outrage. When I saw the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations putting on a yellow star it was stomach turning. Somebody who had to wear a yellow star like myself and my entire family I'm insulted by that.
[...] What distinguishes the Jewish Holocaust is its industrial scale and industrial methods being applied. And what has been happening to Gaza is similar in that the scale of the bombing and the indiscriminate nature of the bombing the complete lack of care about children and women being the majority of the victims amounts to Industrial scale of genocide.
[...] Some of the actions of the Nazi state in dehumanising and completely cruel large scale killings etc, if it is repeated I don't see why you couldn't make the parallel it can only be helpful in understanding what's going on to make the parallel I don't think there should be any taboo against that.
[...] I felt it completely incomprehensible really how you can do anything but totally condemn quite clear genocide and anybody who doesn't do that it will be Revisited on him or her to to look back on to be on the wrong side of history and and seriously guilty and that goes for the UK government to Keir Stramer and the shadow cabinet and some of the church leaders, the chief rabbi completely identifies with Israel and Zionism.
[...] I think it's important to stand up against this conflation that is propagated between Jewishness and Zionism if you do not stand up and criticize it and divorce you have from it, then it sort of bches all Jews basically...
H/t @ErikvanStraten
Let's see how the police behave today on the #London #Palestine demo protesting #genocide by the rogue terrorist state of #Israel. Is starvation as a weapon of war (under supposed ceasefire) OK? Bombing #maternity #hospitals to increase maternal/child mortality rates?
Will they arrest more #Holocaust survivors today?
I have a question from the world.
You knew about Hitler, you knew about nazis, you knew about church funding nazis. And you knew what they did.
How can you let it happen again in such a short time?
Nice. Now will IBM, who helped him with surveillance technology, be held accountable also or will they get off scot-free like they did after helping Hitler carry out the Holocaust?
(Spoiler alert: it’ll likely be the latter.)
#IBM #Duderte #Hitler #Holocaust https://social.coop/@raph/114142113764427545
and that’s why forced conversions and the fear of, not just Gxd but HELL are now considered heresies in the Catholic Church.
hatreds of “The Others” justify genocide. it justified the #Holocaust. it’s justifying #Palestinian #genocide.
and why you’ve heard nary a peep from USAmerican christofascists about the billions used to kill Christians in #Gaza.
their #christianity and #zionism are just extensions of their sadistic dreams of #colonialism and worldwide domination and dominion.
and because you can’t just leave Buddhists or even Atheists hanging, there’s not just provisions about that, but the TL;DR about FORCED CONVERSION:
it’s #heresy.
anything that goes against the #GoldenRule goes against the very essence and core of Jesus’ teachings
―Luke 6:31
Nostra Aetate is the RCC’s attempt to destroy all the excuses Catholics used to be complicit with the #Nazis and be active collaborators in the #Holocaust…
Auschwitz prisoners were subjected to forced labor at the WeichselUnion Metallwerke. Roza Robota led a group of women who smuggled small amounts of explosives into Auschwitz daily to three other prisoners Jehuda Laufer, Israel Gutman, & Noah Zabludowicz. (2/3)
#WW2 #Holocaust #antifa #Resistance
Anti-Fascists to remember this International Women’s Day: Ala Gartner, Róża Robota, Regina Safir & Estera Wajsblum were Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz. They were involved in the Oct 7, 1944 Sonderkommando uprising against the camp. (1/3)
#WW2 #Holocaust #antifa #Resistance #Jews #Shero
i swear to god no matter how well i think i know the story of world war II there's still always historical surprises out there.
(and while i'm here i'll mention the oldest living #holocaust survivor died last week)
Jewish women who fought as partisans in WW2:
#WW2 #Holocaust #Resistance #partisans #Jews
Zelenskyy reveals family Holocaust history
Zelenskyy’s grandfather Semyon (Simon) Ivanovych, who served as a Colonel alongside his three brothers in the Red Army of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was the only one of the four young men to survive World War II, fighting the Nazis.
Until now, it was only known that Zelenskyy’s great-grandfather and three great uncles died in the war.
#UkraineWar #holocaust
#TrumpIsARussianAsset #StandWithUkraine https://www.tv7israelnews.com/zelenskyy-reveals-family-holocaust-history/
They won't stop at #trans athletes. Next will be all trans people. They're gearing up for another #holocaust with moves like these
"One cannot underestimate the importance of the #historical documents in this volume of the first #letters written by #Holocaust survivors after their liberation, titled Dew Of Revival: First letters of people of faith after the Holocaust (Jerusalem: Michlalah Jerusalem College and Mossad Harav Kook, 2024). . Painstakingly collected by Hebrew University-trained Rebbetzin Esther Farbstein, the leading #Haredi #scholar of the #religious response to the #Shoah, they preserve the intense feelings that ranged from grief, despair, hope and calls for revenge, while recognizing the need to reconstruct their lives, even as they felt adrift."
Holocaust-Überlebender und Präsident des Auschwitz Komitees Turski gestorben
Er überlebte das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz, erinnerte jahrzehntelang an die Schoah und gab ihren Opfern eine Stimme: Nun ist der Präsident des Internationalen Auschwitz Komitees Turski im Alter von 98 Jahren gestorben.