During questioning after #Trump’s #cabinet meeting, #Health Secy #RFKJr, a #vaccine critic, said the government was closely watching the #measles outbreak across #Texas. He said measles outbreaks occur every year.
[not at this scale & rate in the US, not before the outbreak of the #ConspiracyTheory #propaganda from idiots like Kennedy]
#FactCheck #TrumpLies #AntiVaxxers #PublicHealth #medicine #science #disease #GetVaccinated #vaccines #USpol #Trump #HHS #idiocracy #TrumpCabinetMeeting
At some point, Darwin comes for the people who refuse to listen to science….
I follow a number of professional epidemiologists, Caitlin Rivers is one of my favorites, and for the first time in the years I've been following her, she sent out a special bulletin:
Flu activity increases again, not seen since 2002
I just got back from having my latest covid booster (6th booster) and was chatting to the nurse who administered it. I asked of they were getting many people having their boosters, and she said that the oldies were good at getting them* but it seems like younger people just aren't interested anymore.
Even if they believe covid exists and that vaccination is good and helpful, they believe covid is pmuch over and it's not worth getting boosters because if they catch it they "don't get that sick anyways".
She also said "we're all pretty sure they're all going to just end up having heart attacks."
After reading so many reports that whooping cough is at a 10 year high right now, I checked my vaccine record and saw that I have not been boosted for 14 years. The CDC recommends a Tdap vaccine every 10 years, so I just got my Tdap shot. My friend just had a baby, so I should have boosted, even if I wasn't overdue. It's good cuz I'm always messing around with Rusty metal (jk) and this will immunize me from tetanus and diphtheria too! #GetVaccinatedAndBoosted
#getVaccinated #tdap #pertussis
Get it together, folks.
I can't do another pandemic. If you don't pull your shit together, I'm turning this car around right now and cancelling Christmas.
Three different groups of friends in three different states currently all have upper respiratory infections ranging from bronchitis, to pneumonnia. All three groups have had recent covid infections. Seeing the same thing with recent patients as well. Remember when the evidence pointed towards Covid causing damage making it easier to get other infections? Yeah, thinking there might be something to that...
#PublicHealth #URI #COVID19 #WearAMask #GetVaccinated
Actual Interaction:
Me: Would you like your Covid shot today?
Patient: You're not giving me that!
Me: I'm very sorry to hear that.
Patient: You're not giving it to me!
Me: I didn't say I was, just that I was sorry to hear.
Patient: You're still not giving it to me!
Me: A few interview questions later: Would you like your flu shot?
Patient: Sounds good.
I see this daily: vaccine-hesitant patients fed misinformation is usually the biggest issue.
"60% of Americans aren’t getting the updated COVID vaccine: Here’s who’s opting out and why"
a majority of people are either concerned about the vaccine’s side effects, or simply don’t think it’s necessary anymore.
Long COVID may be far more common than previously known, new Mass General Brigham study finds
A new study from researchers at Mass General Brigham suggests racial disparities and the difficulty in diagnosing the condition may be leading to a massive undercount.
An actual Health article citing its sources, we need a few hundred more articles like this...
5 Reasons You Should Wear a Mask
Research has found that wearing masks, along with social distancing, has significantly curbed the spread of SARS-CoV-2—the virus that causes COVID-19. KN95 and N95 respirators have been shown to offer strong protection.
2/n My daugther @Jade got a reaction from her first vaccine shot. It was Moderna. She had very severe abdominal pains for days and weeks. They were so severe that we thought she had appendicitis. Thankfully, that was quickly ruled out and the diagnosis was a reaction from the vaccine.
We were immediately put in touch with BC Public Health and they tracked the case and gave us advice.
You know what her Paediatrician said?
He was very careful to say... he would get fired for saying it… if he were her, he would avoid other COVID vaccinations.
It turns out he was not vaccinated either. After much hand wringing, I made a very unpleasant and difficult phone call to the hospital to report him.
He was eventually removed from being able to practice in the hospital and continues to be an anti-vaxx advocate in our community while he continues to have his own practice.
These are the people Rustad is pandering to.
1/n #BCElxn2024 #BCElection #Conspiracy #AntiVax #COVID19 #getvaccinated #science #BCElection2024
This story about Rustad pisses me off, and for a very personal reason that I am going to share (with permission).
The controversy is a video of BC Conservative Leader Rustad pandering to anti-vaxxers. He ‘regretted' taking the ‘so-called vaccine' for COVID-19. He is being questioned by media now and admonished by public health experts for feeding into anti-vax conspiracy theories.
He was pandering to a vocal minority of health care workers who, even before the pandemic, were reluctant to get flu or other vaccinations, and were supported by their union, based on nonsense we all know has been flying around the internet (FACEBOOK) for years.
COVID-19 super-charged those conspiracies and I have personal experiences with anti-vax doctors and former-health care workers.... so here goes.
#WEARAMASK when you go shopping, ride public transportation, at work, at school, at church, etc.
If you cannot distance and/or cannot be sure of the ventilation, #WEARAMASK.
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, outside of your house: #WEARAMASK.