My fanlisting for computer programming is officially open! Welcome to join!
My fanlisting for computer programming is officially open! Welcome to join!
Build Your Own X: Redis, Database, Compiler https://leanpub.com/b/byo_redis_db_compiler by build-your-own.org is the featured bundle on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #CAndCpp #Networking #Databases #ComputerScience #SoftwareArchitecture #ComputerProgramming #Go #books #ebooks
I was trying to write a toot about magic and computer programming, but I had a lot of thoughts on this topic. So, I wrote a blog post.
My Hugo-based blog that I last touched in 2020 doesn't seem to build with the latest Hugo. It is still rough since I am shifting to a new theme (e.g. it is stuck in dark theme). Anyway, here's the blog post.
A Computer Programmer Talks About Magic
You see? You do indeed have to update your bio. It's alive!
Margaret Hamilton Recalls Her Life as a Programming Pioneer.
The pioneering software engineer who helped send men to the moon recalls her decades of innovation in a newly published video conversation. by David Cassel via @thenewstack
One of the most famous #computerprogramming books (1975)...
Ada Lovelace's notes were labelled alphabetically from A to G. In Note G, she describes an algorithm for the Analytical Engine to compute Bernoulli numbers. It is considered to be the first published algorithm ever specifically tailored for implementation on a computer, and Ada Lovelace has often been cited as the first computer programmer for this reason. The engine was never completed and so her program was never tested. via @wikipedia
My name is Rafael. I was born in #PuertoRico and I've been living in #NYC for the past four years (I moved to #Brooklyn two years ago.) I'm 47 years old and I like:
#Brighton, #England
#Music (Who doesn't?)
My personal website is at: https://human-assisted.blogspot.com/
https://c.im/ (I'm mod here.)
Right, I haven't done a toot of my interests as hashtags. Let's fix that.