Wow! Are MIT press giving this PDF textbook away free?
Wow! Are MIT press giving this PDF textbook away free?
Im looking for a #fediverse organised space in which I can study specific #mathematics text books. Can someone point me in such a direction? Perhaps if it were structured like a forum? Or maybe I have to create a forum and then publish to the fediverse?
I'm too tired for my historians mind to try to find out how to calculate the tile coordinate on my map for any given mouse position. 64 by 64 pixels but it's not a square but a diamond, so about half of the 64x64 box in all four corners is not this tile and they're not even arranged neatly. Anyone with a solution?
#GameDev #SoloDev #Mathematics
"Mother of all the sciences, [mathematics] is a builder of the imagination, a weaver of patterns of sheer thought, an intuitive dreamer, a poet. The study of mathematics cannot be replaced by any other activity that will train and develop man's purely logical faculties to the same level of rationality." – Cletus O. Oakley (1899-1990)
#quote #mathematics #math #maths #sciences
"My methods are really methods of working and thinking; this is why they have crept in everywhere anonymously."
Happy Birthday Emmy Noether!!
She made many important contributions to abstract algebra. She proved Noether's 1st and 2nd theorems, which are fundamental in mathematical physics. She developed theories of rings, fields, & algebras. In physics, Noether's theorem explains the connection between symmetry & conservation laws.
"It is certain that few men of our times are as completely free as the mathematician in the exercise of their intellectual activity. Even if some State ideologies sometimes attack his person, they have never yet presumed to judge his theorems." – André Weil (1906-1998)
#quote #mathematics #maths #math
@RickiTarr I kinda think of multiplication as addition by steps. For example, look at 9 and watch the last digit of the product:
9, 8, 7, 6: last digit decrements by one. There's a pattern to it. You gotta see the pattern. Similarly the others, but different patterns.
But the way they teach it -- meh. Memorize this, they say. Could be more interesting. Could be a puzzle hunt, looking for that pattern.
Proof by starvation: This is a proof form in which you first prove that a counterexample to the theorem must have property X, then, using X, prove that it must also have property Y, then that it must also have property Z, ... until you have piled up so many requirements on a counterexample that everybody sees that it cannot exist.
I have done that a few times. It is a nice way to organize one's thoughts.
I have found a novel family of rep-tiles which produce aperiodic tilings. The prototile is a triangle with smallest side 1 and biggest side 2, the other side is 1 < x <= 2. The family includes one pointed isosceles triangle, the right triangle of angles 30-60-90 (half an equilateral triangle), and other scalene, obtuse or acute, triangles. The first image shows relevant members of the family, the second the substitution rule. The isosceles triangle of the family has another already known aperiodic tiling ( https://tilings.math.uni-bielefeld.de/substitution/viper/ ) which looks the same but is different because there the tile has no reflections, whereas here some tiles are reflected (in the case of the isosceles triangle the reflection makes a difference when applying the substitution). Figure 3 shows the difference between that tessellation and the one proposed here, mine has just four slopes. Last figure shows a zoom into one big instance of the tiling for the right triangle.
#TilingTuesday #tiling #Mathart #geometry #Mathematics
Hey #MathEducation people,
I remember some time ago reading how optimal outcomes for understanding and conceptual learning in mathematics happened when the students were in control of the pacing of the learning, but the teacher still chose and sequenced the content.
Now I need to find this research again because a bunch of parents are giving my fellow teacher grief for “Not finishing the textbook” in yr 7 mathematics!
Can anyone help me find this? (Boosts welcome)
#teaching #mathematics #MathsEducation
"Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost." – W.S. Anglin
#quote #mathematics #math #maths
Untidy tessellation with one fifth of a pentagon.
#Mathematics #geometry #tiling
You Know Pi, But Do You Really Know E? - Pi Day is here! We bet that you know that famous constant to a few decimal points,... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/14/you-know-pi-but-do-you-really-know-e/ #mathematics #mischacks #featured #interest #piday #e
It's Pi Day!
If you're looking to celebrate the magic of mathematics, check out the @mathematics Community Feed.
Happy #PiDay!
Fun fact: OEIS sequence A057680 highlights "Self-locating strings within pi: numbers n such that the string n is at position n in the decimal digits of Pi, where the initial digit 3 is at position 0":
For example, the number 1 occurs at the first position of pi (after the "3.") then the next number to do this is 16470 which occurs at the 16470th position of pi (though it occurs earlier at the 1602nd position)!
#mathematics question: is there any good collection of all the knowledge about Conway's "nimbers"? I've found any number of beginners' explanations, but nothing further.
(I mean the thing that makes a field of characteristic 2 out of ℕ₀, with addition corresponding to bitwise XOR, and multiplication a really weird inductively defined thing, such that every initial segment of ℕ₀ of size 2^{2^n} forms a subfield.)
I was idly playing around with them recently – wrote a tiny Python thing to implement their multiplication. I happened across the fact that in each of the first nine of those finite subfields, the _largest_ integer in that subfield – 2^{2^n}-1 – generates its whole multiplicative group. That is, 3 has order 3, 15 has order 15, 255 has order 255, … up to and including 2^512−1.
Is that true for all n? I'm curious to know if this is a known result, or at least a known conjecture. Seems to me it would be pretty neat if it were true, because it would give you a "canonical" choice of primitive polynomial over GF(2) of degree 2^n – just take the min poly of the corresponding nimber.
By my calculations, the first few of those polynomials (in the usual binary representation where 2^n stands in for x^n) are 3, 7, 25, 425, 101021, 7158330089, 27971386341277386797. But OEIS doesn't know that sequence, so maybe this isn't known?
Some #Mathart based in triangles. The idea is to start with a set of triangles connected by their sides, and iteratively selecting the larger side in the set and dividing it using a simple definite rule (I don't use randomness). Stop when all sides are less than a given value. Using the research pointed out in my previous post, each triangle is assigned a colour just based on its shape.
"The world and its phenomena can be understood through a mathematical approach. This is an empirical fact that we can only acknowledge." – Jean-Philippe Uzan (1969–)
#quote #mathematics #math #maths
New paper just published.
When a pandemic occurs, a hard lockdown is an obvious and effective way to stop it. However, lockdowns come with serious societal issues. For example, during COVID-19, a critical mass of people opposing lockdowns coalesced in Britain. This was mainly due to two demographic groups, namely self-employed people, who were concerned about their own economic losses, and parents, who dreaded the prospect of having to be closed in the same home with their own kids. Seeking validation and trying to promote their own personal interests, these people became main spreaders of disinformation, eventually falling prey of state-sponsored populistic and anti-science propaganda machines.
In this study, we show that one can use optimization and control theory to introduce only light travel restrictions between macroareas, such as states or regions within a country, yielding better final results in terms of infections and economic damage than those that were actually obtained at the time.