I'm thrilled to announce that I've been accepted as a student at #ColoradoChristianUniversityOnline! I'll be pursuing a B.S. in #ComputerScience. The school's class format seems much more manageable for me than other schools I've attended, and I'm feeling optimistic about this new chapter.
Now begins the challenging process of hunting for #scholarships. Unfortunately, I'm discovering just how inaccessible most scholarship websites are for screen reader users. If anyone knows of #accessible scholarship resources or platforms, I'd greatly appreciate your recommendations!
Always kind of disappointed that educators pass over Lua in favor of Python as a first coding language. I think Lua is better for that purpose. #Education #CompSci #ComputerScience
This video is a really pretty visualization of the A* pathfinding algorithm using #OpenStreetMap road network data for #Chicago and #Rome as examples.
Very disturbed by an idea in a theogg video today. "The end of frameworks" and new language ideas because it won't immediately be available in the LLMs and therefore feel more difficult to use.
That just feels so gross. Imagine if tech had stopped 10, 20, 30 years ago because magic autocomplete worked sometimes.
Just released version 1.10 of "You're the OS!", my open-source browser game where you are a computer's operating system and you have to manage processes, memory and I/O events.
You can play the new version here: https://plbrault.itch.io/youre-the-os
Seems like an #introduction is a good idea:
Hello! I am Lukas Müller and a #computerscience student from #Germany. In my spare time I like to create projects and do sports.
Here you can find updates on my projects and everything that’s on my mind. (In current times unfortunately politics too)
Hey! There's a new #HumbleBundle full of yummy computer science books (including mine!) from @nostarch with proceeds going to @eff.
Check out "Computer Science the Fun Way":
I just published a blog post in which I explore the fascinating world of succinct data structures. I didn't know these existed until recently. If you don't either, this blog post should help fix that.
New account, so new #introduction. Let's do it again!
I have a #MastersDegree in #ComputerScience and #ComputerEngineering. I went to #NMU for undergrad and #MSU for my graduate degree. I currently work at #UChicago for the #TMWCenter, which focuses on helping young children acquire language (and therefore other learning skills) faster.
In my spare time, I develop #OpenSourceSoftware such as
- a #SphinxDoc extension that embed #Fediverse comments on your page
- a library to talk to #ManifoldMarkets from native #Python
- a #PredictionMarket manager using the above
- a #transpiler from a subset of Python to #OpenStreetMaps's #OverpassQL
- bug fixes to many other projects, including #mypy, #base58, #attrs, #CPython, & more
I spend a fair bit of my time these days on #MathResearch, specifically into the #ThueMorse Sequence and its extensions.
I'm also a hobbyist editor on OpenStreetMap.
#Demisexual, #transfem, and happily engaged to my #enby sweetheart.
We have two cats: #OpheTheLoaf and #MayalaranTheCat (yes, from #StormlightArchive) See here [transfem.social] for more on them!
I speak English fluently, Spanish haltingly, and am trying to learn Chinese
#queer #Chicago
Free beginner Python class at @Noisebridge in the SF Mission!
Free classes will cover Python basics such as program flow and module/function definitions, data structures, algorithms, SQL in Python, data analytics with Pandas, APIs, using LLMs, web scraping, and building web apps with Flask.
Starting Series 5 from the beginning on Mon Feb 24 at 7 PM! We have a whole slate of lectures planned, and this will be lecture number one.
No experience necessary! No Python installation necessary! Bring a laptop if you want to follow along (not required).
We're also hoping to livestream and/or record the classes, so stay tuned.
Feel free to boost!
Looking through my Facebook memories I was reminded of a valuable piece of advice for every tech manager and executive on the planet:
Telling engineers during an outage that an outage is "bad" is a complete waste of everyone's time and a surefire way to make the outage last longer simply because your ego told you that you needed to insert yourself into the situation and to interrupt everyone to feel as though you're doing something important.
Either sit down and shut up, or ask people what they need to be successful.
Hello World!
I'm a Prof. of #ComputerScience at VRAIN/UPV (València, Spain), mainly working on (explainable, symbolic) artificial #intelligence #AI #XAI, (#probabilistic) #logic #programming, term #rewriting, #causality, #concurrency, programming #languages, #reversible computing, program #verification, and #debugging.
I plan to use this account mostly for scientific matters, but not only. I'm also quite interested in #photography, #sciencefiction, #travel, #movies, #series, etc, etc.
@dougmerritt @northernlights @kentpitman @SDF @nosrednayduj @sacha @hairylarry @pkw @rat @pizzapal
https://anonradio.net:8443/anonradio #liveNow (on the hour)
if everyone can #boost the #live #interview with Kent Pitman on #lisp / #computerScience / #computerHistory / your live questions toot ^ within the next hour, I would be much obliged.
#lispyGopherClimate @kentpitman #live #interview #computerScience #programming #lisp #commonLisp #python with some special announcements and releases.
#teco #emacs #conditions
#archive Thanks for the incredible interview and livechat everyone!
Interview 1 / ?
Please drop questions here beforehand or join us live in #lambdaMOO as always !
telnet lambda.moo.mud.org 8888
co guest
@join screwtape
#lispyGopherClimate #important #announcement
https://archives.anonradio.net/202502120000_screwtape.mp3 #archive
Possibly I didn't bang the drum enough.
@kentpitman is joining me #live for the show - 0UTC Wednesday, Tuesday evening in the Americas. I'll toot the link on mastodon a few hours before the show as always.
If you could join and ask questions live or beforehand here in this thread (if you join through the archive).
#lisp #commonLisp #python #computerScience #programming #podcast #climate
#boost visibility please
#AI coding tools like GitHub Copilot are changing how programming is taught, letting non-computer science students focus on big-picture concepts instead of getting stuck on syntax. Here's what #computerscience professors have to say: https://theconversation.com/ai-gives-nonprogrammers-a-boost-in-writing-computer-code-242256 #UncommonCourses
Has anyone ever seen code reviews working well in an academic setting?
One of my lab mates just paid a very high price for a small bug, and we're talking about using code reviews to prevent this. Coming from industry myself, I like this idea and volunteered to help figure this out, but I can also imagine lots of reasons this might not work in a lab full of grad students and postdocs.
In particular, I'm worried about training people to actually give good code reviews, sharing the workload fairly, and agreeing on a standard for code quality. I'm very familiar with how to deal with those issues on a software engineering team, but they would all be very different in this setting...
Supporting digital skills development in open source we have an allocation of free tickets for students to join SOOCon25. Contact mailto:admin@openuk.uk. Schedule is now live across 7 tracks https://stateofopencon.com #computerscience #digitalskills opensource #AI #opendata #soocon25 #openuk