Russia seized the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine 11 years ago today. @AssociatedPress explains why the land is so coveted.
#Russia #Ukraine #War #ColdWar #Crimea #Peninsula
If you don't understand the IMPORTANCE of the Voice of America (VOA), this TOUR of their de-commissioned facilities in Cincinnati,OH is MUST VIEWING. #SWL #ShortWaveRadio #ShortWaveListening #COLDWAR
"The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World", by Vincent Bevins
#Book presentation: "In 1965, the U.S. government helped the Indonesian military kill approximately one million innocent civilians. This was one of the most important turning points of the twentieth century, eliminating the largest communist party outside China and the Soviet Union and inspiring copycat terror programs in faraway countries like Brazil and Chile. But these events remain widely overlooked, precisely because the CIA's secret interventions were so successful."
#Quote from book: “I fear that the truth of what happened contradicts so forcefully our idea of what the Cold War was, of what it means to be an American, or how globalization has taken place, that it has simply been easier to ignore it.”
Today in Labor History March 1, 1954: The U.S. detonated Castle Bravo, a 15-megaton hydrogen bomb on Bikini Atoll. It caused the worst radioactive contamination ever by the U.S. However, this occurred after years of nuclear testing and contamination of the islands and waters around them. The U.S. detonated 23 nuclear devices on the islands from 1946 to 1958. They blew up the bombs on the reef, in the sea, in the air and underwater. They relocated islanders several times, each time to supposedly safe islands. But they neglected to provide sufficient food and water, causing starvation. When the islanders tried to catch fish to eat, or grow their own crops, they were so contaminated from radioactive fallout, that it poisoned all who ate it. Women started having miscarriages and giving birth to babies with abnormalities. To this day, it is still too contaminated for inhabitants and their descendants to return. A trust fund that had been set up to help support the survivors ran out of funds in the late 2010s.
The United States of America is a client of the Russian Federation, and the whole world knows it.
Who won the #ColdWar now?
Sometimes I go to extreme lengths to bring you my #AbandonedPlaces photos. Here I am, wading through a flooded Cold War bunker deep below an industrial area in Latvia.
Earlier in the trip I fractured my ribs climbing out of a window in a hurry (but that's another story!). It was an eventful trip!
Blog article about my #Baltics 2023 road trips with more photos and tales from the roadtrip -
Growth as a goal for societies is basically brand new.
"Historians and social scientists have sought to explain the origins of the political hegemony of growth: the dominance of the pursuit of GDP growth as a political objective. Growth might not be an economic imperative in the abstract, this literature suggests, but rather a political imperative, locked in by power relations, institutions, and accounting systems geared towards its pursuit. The contemporary preoccupation with GDP first emerged as a response to the need of governments to manage economic production during the Great Depression and the Second World War, whereas growth-targeting became entrenched during the Cold War, linked to the arms race between the two blocs. An iterative process between accounting and targeting, and the institutions geared towards the measurement and pursuit of GDP, gradually made growth appear as a natural and unquestionable objective. But the success of growth, as a political objective, stems from its function, which was to appease and deflect distributional conflict, becoming a core factor of state legitimacy and political stability."
Btw basically every sentence in this has citations, in case you want to read MORE. I'm taking the citation numbers out to make for easier reading.
#Degrowth #history #WWII #ColdWar #Growth #EconomicGrowth @histodons
Austin Powers: Finally those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes
Today in labor History January 17, 1961: Patrice Lumumba, anti-colonial fighter and former premier of the newly independent Republic of the Congo, was assassinated with the complicity of the CIA. President Eisenhower authorized an assassination in 1960, because of Lumumba’s ties with the Soviet Union. CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb planned to kill him with poisoned toothpaste. Gottlieb was the main scientist behind the CIA’s MKUltra program, which did illegal human mind control experiments using drugs, like LSD, without the victim’s knowledge or consent. He was also involved in numerous assassinations.
The 1950s "happy housewife" was central to #ColdWar propaganda, in contrast to Soviet working women. An American studies professor examines the reality behind this image:
#History @histodons
Lavender & Red (Parts 25-29) (2005) by Leslie Feinberg. History Meets ☭ History. Audiobook.
#socialism #socialist #communism #communist #marxism #marxist #usa #lavenderscare #redscare #coldwar #mccarthyism #lgbtq #gay #lesbian #trump
Lockheed F-104C Starfighter 56-0910 #photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #f104starfighter #lockheed #centuryseries #coldwar #unitedstatesairforce #kellyjohnson #mig15 #mig17 #generalelectricj79 #nato #westgermany #canada #netherlands #belgium #japan #italy #aeritalia #florida #starfightersinc (Flickr 05.06.2017)
In his first public appearance in Brussels since becoming Secretary-General of NATO, Mark Rutte says member countries should return to Cold War-era defense spending to fend off Russian aggression. European member states are spending far less than the 3.8% of GDP they spent in the 1980s, “even though the threats to our freedom and security are just as big,” he says. Read more from @politico.
Writing two posts ago about a book on Cold War, here is another one which was interesting: "Attack warning red! How Britain prepared for nuclear war" by Julie Macdowell
It's hard to imagine nowadays the level of paranoia during Cold War. The movie Oppenheimer (which I still haven't watched) might have showed to younger generations the power of destruction of any nuclear bomb. This book mentions the movie "Threads", broadcast on the BBC in 1984. It left many British kids traumatized. Have a watch
#bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #attackwarningred #JulieMacdowell #nuclear #nuclearwar #coldwar
"Spies. The Epic Intelligence War between East and West" from Calder Walton.
Most interesting for me was the story of the "Cambridge Five", this british ring of spies based in the UK, following their belief in communism and working for the USSR. But also the evolution of technology behind spying. With Internet being monitored and cyberwar going on, the old-fashioned ways of transmitting information have maybe become more relevant
##bookstodon #vendredilecture #books #mastolivre #livre #spies #coldwar #intelligence #guerrefroide #CalderWalton
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in 1953 for conspiring with the Soviets. A newly declassified memo debunks the government’s case against Ethel, and her sons want their mother exonerated. A historian explains what changed mind:
(Lori Clune, Fresno State) @histodons #Histodons #history #coldwar #exoneration
In the 1950s, students in many school districts in the US were "issued" dog tags for nuclear warfare. This was to make identification of their bodies easier, although that is not what they were told.
Here is film of students in Las Vegas discussing why the dog tags are a good idea.