And now, it turns out that Der Führer himself, Donald Trump is just blurting out that the Canadians are right, and Trump is dead serious about conquering Canada:
Trump Reveals Stunning Reason Why He’s Bullying Canada
"In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, the president claimed that the reason he’s so tough on America’s northern neighbor is because it’s “meant to be our fifty-first state.”
“You’re tougher with Canada than you are with our biggest adversaries. Why?” asked Laura Ingraham.
“Only because it’s meant to be our fifty-first state,” Trump said, when Ingraham attempted to interject. “No, no but listen to this for a second.”
“We need their territory. They have territorial advantage. We’re not going to let them get close to China, right?” pressed the Fox host.
“Look, I deal with every country—directly or indirectly. One of the nastiest countries to deal with is Canada,” Trump said about the longtime U.S. ally."
I know I used the phrase "blurted out" above, but make no mistake my friends, this was absolutely a calculated attempt by both president Trump and the bootlicking fascist news network that supports his every ambition, to manufacture consent for seizing control of Canada. Trump appears on Fox News to talk directly to his base, and the interviewers in this segment are completely aligned with his agenda. By taking on the role of the confused fascist everyman wondering why Trump has such a hard on for seizing Canada, they're allowing Downmarket Mussolini to seed the idea that this is a vital policy goal, and make the case that MAGA movement fascists should get behind that goal. This is effectively a declaration of his intention to make war, on Canada.
Trump keeps saying he wants to conquer Canada in increasingly more direct ways, in increasingly more public settings because this is the art by which all American presidents have manufactured consent for war; it doesn't happen overnight, but folks who've lived through incidents like the US invasion of Iraq, the US invasion of Afghanistan, and the US invasion of Panama will be quite familiar with the process and how it turns random musings and conspiracy theories into a presumed, typically bipartisan, mandate for war.
Trump is faking it till he makes it, and the "it" in question here is definitely the conquest of Canada. It would probably be good if Americans at large started taking him seriously, and working towards stopping him; in the halls of government, on your TV, and if necessary, in the streets.