Welp. The Mastodon account of someone in the AWS sphere suddenly stopped existing yesterday.
All the more reason I prefer Bluesky's "centralised app, decentralised profile" approach in the long-run.
@cwebber beyond me why people are still at #bluesky. It's the trap of tHIs tiME WilL be dIFFerEnT, I guess.
#ATProto is NOT an open API. Any parallel implementation still has to go through bluesky's servers.
They are still owned by #DTBO vulture capitalist cryptobro techbro billionaires, who have stated they will sell your data and info to LLM predatory enterprises.
Baffling, really.
Meanwhile, #AcitivityPub remains simple, #FOSS, inexpensive, truly decentralized.
Go figure.
@mattsheffield I blocked #BlueSky and it's bridges as I don't need that unmoderated shit from a Nazi Bar (see Jesse #Singal) flooding my feed!
@tchambers I find it amusing @verge includes #BlueSky in theri diagram as if it were part of the #Fediverse able to talk to the rest of the federated social world. I /wish/ they'd federate.
It's a great essay, and you can also watch a video version.
Here is a link to the Niccolò Ve Peertube version of...
Why I recommend against Bluesky - Have you ever heard of the term federation-washing? by Nicco Venerandi @niccolove Peertube: @veggero:
Great job Nicco!
A long read, but worth it.
The author discusses how Bluesky's protocol differs from Mastodon (and other ActivityPub) and isn't really as decentralized as they make it out to be.
Important info for Bluesky users:
Due to the fact that #Bluesky has the same capitalist revenue model as Twitter/X and Meta, we will soon stop crossposting this channel. Be welcome to follow us directly from Mastodon: https://joinmastodon.org.
Mua ärsyttää, kun Blueskyssä ei voi lisätä emojia kirjoittamalla (selaimessa).
Muualla pystyy. Eli kaksoispiste ja emojin nimi. Tämä, koska en erota ilmeitä pienistä emojista. Haluan, että laitan oikean emojin tekstin perään.
Terveisin etusormi keskarina
@dannotdaniel @niccolove @veggero @noondlyt @cwebber
Thanks could not find your Masto account. Thanks for replying. Edited the thread. (Another huge Masto benefit!)
Congratulations on a great video. This is, as said above, the best clear concise explanation of #Bluesky vs. Mastodon.
Love the logic when you say that since they are advertising that it is a distributed network you see not reason not to wait until it is actually a distributed network.
Again, great job!
One of the reasons why I prefer #ActivityPub over #atproto such a good video
#bluesky #whitewall #cubism #houseoffriends
(Ursprünglich am 23. Juli 2021 auf Instagram gepostet.)
Super, dass @Sascha einen Input gibt zu: »Jenseits von #Meta und #Musk – #Marketing-Potenziale im #Fediverse«!
#Desinformation, politische Einflussnahme, #Profiling, Überwachungswerbung – es ist höchste Zeit, dass sich #SocialMedia-Expert*innen kritisch mit Plattformen beschäftigen.
Unsere #SocialMediaMatrix vergleicht #X #Threads #Bluesky und #Mastodon in 50 Kriterien:
https://social-media-matrix.king-consult.de [social-media-matrix.king-consult.de]
Here is a link to the Niccolò Ve Peertube version of...
Why I recommend against Bluesky - Have you ever heard of the term federation-washing? by Nicco Venerandi @niccolove Peertube: @veggero:
Great job Nicco!
Here is a link to the Nicco Loves Linux YouTube version of...
Why I recommend against Bluesky - Have you ever heard of the term federation-washing? by Nicco Venerandi @niccolove Peertube: @veggero:
It is a great video. Definitely worth 15 minutes of your time.
And in the next comment is a link to the Peertube version...
Why I recommend against Bluesky - Have you ever heard of the term federation-washing? by Nicco Venerandi
So the absolute best explainer about why Mastodon is a preferable platform to #Bluesky was just dropped by Niccolò Venerandi @niccolove Peertube: @veggero
Definitely check it out!
And in addition to reading the article (which is great BTW), get the full clear concise explanation from his great video (Youtube and Peertube) linked in the comments to this post.
So I finally managed to get #bluesky set up and both my bluesky account and this #mastodon account are now completely bridged into each other.
Seriously, wow this bridging and automatic crossposting between 2 completely different social-media-networks is the coolest thing I've ever seen in the history of social-media!.
#accessible #accessibility #blind #bluesky #fediverse #mastodon
Today is the [ Eye've lost count ] day since Eye first heard about BlueSky that Eye STILL don't have a BlueSky account.
Still don't have a sufficient reason to get a BlueSky account.
Eye've found that Mastodon on the Fediverse satisfies 100% of my daily social media needs.
#SocialMedia #BlueSky #Fediverse #Mastodon #TuckersBalls
New: Fediverse Report #108
This week's news:
- Ghost's (@index) connection to the #fediverse is now availabe in public beta for Ghost Pro users, with both an #ActivityPub connection to send long-form posts into the fediverse, and a reader app to read/comment/interact with the fediverse
- @anewsocial , the organisation that manages the bridge between the fediverse and #bluesky shared their upcoming plans