There are no allies in Trump's world
@fixatedpersonsunit only adversaries and suckers.
David Pope,
"The Echidna" newsletter
12 February 2025
There are no allies in Trump's world
@fixatedpersonsunit only adversaries and suckers.
David Pope,
"The Echidna" newsletter
12 February 2025
Everyone knew it was an incredibly #stupid idea when Scott Morrison signed the ANKUS deal! But he wanted that state dinner in Washington DC, but he wanted speaking gigs in the US conservative circuit after he left office!
The USA only wants the Australian taxpayers' money. They have no intention to deliver, let alone to provide security to Australia. But if they invade others, we are bounded to join
Presumably if Australia were attacked, the United States would demand rights to our resources under its new regime of transactional alliances.
Which is no mutual defence guarantee at all, so maybe they should go and get fucked and we can concentrate on friends and alliance partners that don't behave like stand-over mobsters.
** Important Official Petition ** Share Far and Wide Australians **
There are just 12 days left on this official government petition to pause all alliances & agreements (including AUKUS sub payments) with the U.S.
Australia can no longer trust the U.S. as an alliance or trading partner under current circumstances. Please sign & share the petition far and wide.
This is an officially lodged Australian Government Petition.
Not a f*cking moment too soon. This must become an #AusPol #Election2025 issue.
Remind me again why Australia is sticking with the AUKUS agreement?
https://www.smh.com.au/world/donald-trump-appears-unaware-about-what-aukus-is-20250228-p5lfuq.html #auspol #AUKUS
#AUKUS nuclear submarine project (#Australia, Britain, USA) is looking unreliable now with the major partner going rogue.
#sUKAUs (Silly UK, Australia stupid)
Pronounced crudely.
Trump says there'll be no exemptions on tariffs. What a bargain our $800 million got us! Hope those LNP shits who celebrated Trump's election are enjoying the blowback and hope Gina is too. Who'd have thought a fascist would screw you over, eh? #aukus #tariffs
#Aukus #AusPol #ExPMMorrison #LiberalPartyDeals
January 2024
“Morrison [Liberal Party] is leaving politics only to grab his very unfair share of the billions of dollars of public money that he has shovelled into AUKUS,” Senator Shoebridge said.
“At a minimum, no one should be able to step straight into an industry they either regulated or showered with public finds.”
Regular reminder that #AUKUS is the worst deal ever
"Donald Trump is 'supportive' of AUKUS, his defence secretary says, as Australia makes $798m payment"
AUKUS -"This is the worst deal ever done by a sovereign Australian government"
“There was a degree of subservience – that that was the price you had to pay. Now, that has been taken to a new dangerous, illogical and expensive extreme with the [$350bn-plus] Aukus deal which both governments bought into, Morrison to begin with and then the current Labor government. I’m on a unity ticket with Bob Carr and Paul Keating. This is the worst deal that we’ve ever seen done by a sovereign Australian government.” Peter Garrett
Australia Is a Subimperial Enforcer of the US-led Order, Clinton Fernandes
"AUKUS makes Australia effectively undefendable, except in the context of a US-UK military strategy."
#Australia #AUKUS #Pacific #SubimperialPower #subservience #sovereignty #nuclear #NuclearNonproliferationTreaty #NPT #NuclearWeapons #unilateralism #NuclearWaste #RadioactiveWaste
#MAGA #Fascists are already threatening #Australia ! Time to end the #AUKUS deal? #Auspol
Magnate and Child - Cathy Wilcox
Richest Woman in Australia Billionaire bossy boots Gina “what’s yours is mine to mine” Rinehart attended Trump election victory party with Musk etc. She and Billionaire Rupert Murdoch’s media are pushing Nuke puke and LNP leader Dutton to win next Fed election hereabouts.
As one said on Bluesky:
“ I guess we should be grateful the social media ban is like AUKUS. Unable to be implemented.”
Oh yes, imagine giving £2.4 billion to the UK and $3 billion to the United States to subsidise submarine-building industries as part of AUKUS.
Then another $368 billion over next 30 years for outdated useless subs instead of funding things that actually matter like health, education and housing.
Van Nishing aka Van Thanh Rudd, ‘Hungry for War’, 2023.
#VanNishing #art #illustration #murals
#AUKUS #nuclearsubmarines #subway #brandalism #subvertising
#AusPol #AUKUS #WesternAustralia #USWarMachine #Militarism #USMilitaryIndustrialComplex
Plans have surfaced of further tying Australia to the US military industrial complex with yet another US military station being built in Western Australia. The purpose of the station is paradoxically to defend Australia from our biggest trading partner.
#auspol #australia #abc7:30 #AUKUS #china #usa #uspol #labor
Paul Keating again invokes reality into a deluded, deeply flawed Albanese led government. A govt that just makes one bad decision after another. With Aukus they are perpetuating Scott Morrison - how creepy is that. So deprived of intelligence and understanding of Australia’s geopolitical environment and actual threats - they decide to sell out to the U.S. and make Australia a big target for an otherwise tame regional superpower. Smart ? Definitely not.
If you have in your lifetime done business with the Americans you will know who ‘always’ win and who comes second.
Keating is 100% correct when he describes Australia as ‘suckers’ with Aukus because the deal is all one sided - with the UK on the winning side into the bargain.
Let us be crystal clear that with Aukus Australia is under the military control of the Americans - and with the 2 major parties - no ifs or buts about that
#AUKUS - secretly leading Australia to hell. #AUKUSPORKUS #USBasesOut #auspol
Massive US-led naval exercises in Hawaii and Pacific islands reflect over a century of colonial exploitation of the region
"The US-led Rimpac 2024 (Exercise Rim of the Pacific), claims to promote “a free and open Indo-Pacific”. But many of the Indigenous peoples of this region, which covers more than 50% of the Earth’s surface, don’t see it that way at all."
"The Hawaii-based and international Cancel Rimpac campaign argues that the exercise does not provide the security it claims. Rather, it contributes to colonialism as well as environmental damage and gendered violence in the region."
#Pacific #ecosystems #ocean #harm #destruction #SouthPacificNuclearFreeZone #nuclear #Aukus #IndigenousPeoples #SelfDetermination #DemilitarizeOceania #Australia