@dgar How does a dog whistle...?
@dgar How does a dog whistle...?
Peter #Dutton’s latest pitch on his road to dictatorship is to take the power to strip someone of their Australian citizenship away from the court system, and give it to the government ministry of the day.
This is an LNP election promise.
MUA joins call on Maersk to end arms shipments to Israel https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/mua-joins-call-maersk-end-arms-shipments-israel #Auspol
This should be our national anthem!
Can you imagine if at the opening of parliament, every official and sporting event
everyone loudly sung together
"Wassamatter you
Itsa not so bad
Itsa nice place
Ahhh shaddupa you face"
#Australia #Auspol #auspolitcs
#australiaday #changethedate
#music #funny
Would just like to say very loudly that ISRAEL IS A TERRORIST STATE, and pay homage to @BlippyTheWonderSlug who pops up every morning with this, on a daily basis, and has done so for a long time.
I simply can't believe what is happening in Palestine, while the world watches on, rewarding Israel's bad behaviour. #AusPol #FreePalestine
"What is it about the nasty, the non-descript, the deluded, the befuddled, the belligerent, the purposefully ignorant that gets them to positions of power and influence in the Tory ecosphere?" #Australia #Auspol #election2025 #PeterDutton https://theaimn.net/hes-not-a-smart-man-but-hes-the-best-the-veggie-patch-has-got/?
I want to mention here that Australia is currently being attacked by USA medical corporations for having the PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (cheaper socialised medicine for all).
If the US starts an economic war on this point there’s a good chance that the entire spectrum of the local population from Green to Nazi is going to completely lose their shit at the USA. Perhaps try practicing that Canadian accent. #auspol
Splash away, I say. Splash away...
#AusPol #Healthcare #Media #Sky #Murdoch #Pharmaceuticals #BigPharma (can get forked)
Please come to 174 Treasure Road, Queens Park, tomorrow to resist the theft of sacred Aboriginal land.
Come even if you are not arrestable, you can wait outside the building- show solidarity, crowd the entrance, and show the community we care.
Police will show up.
Police may try to force their way in.
Police may arrest people.
They cannot stop us all.
CW: auspol, homophobia
You know what’s “weak, and wet as lettuce”? Trotting out a staffer to save face.
A real man faces the consequences of his actions. Dutton is not that man.
A real leader governs for all the country, not just one segment of its populace. Dutton is not that man.
A real PM has a clear vision and sound policy to inspire his people. Dutton is not that man.
Peter #Dutton regrets using term with historic anti-gay connotations https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/peter-dutton-regrets-using-term-with-historic-anti-gay-connotations/olmldoqja?cid=newsapp:socialshare:other #auspol #lnp #homophobia
What is the Western Alliance waiting for? The United States to reverse trajectory? Suddenly not become a hostile power. Suddenly toss the Russia play-book? Suddenly stop destroying decades of trade agreements and security arrangement?
It's a fucking hostile power. Why is it being appeased like it's 1938?
Move fast. Move hard. Sanction it. Isolate it. Show strength for fuck sake. This fantasy of a return to 2020, like it will all reverse magically in 2028, will end in disaster and we all know what form that will take.
PSA: in Australia, ABC News has a ton of RSS feeds (but they don't link to them anywhere, and I've found at least one page that wants us to think they don't have any).
Anyway, here's a list. And a way to find more.
Copyright Law
@Kyna citing @pluralistic raises the excellent point for too damn long the forces of darkness have used and abused copyright and intellectual property to maintain hegemony.
So damn vulnerable there.
Ripe for attack.
Just so we are on the same page here. Jericho goes on to say:
“This year the government will spend around $4.8bn giving a fuel tax credit to the mining industry (which is not exactly struggling). The government will forgo $18.6bn in revenue due to giving the richest 10% a 50% discount on capital gains tax, and $20.3bn by giving tax breaks to the richest 10% so they can put money into superannuation.”
I think that sums up a lot of what is wrong with every govt budgets so far.
It's hard to think of a more hostile act than attacking the Australian PBS. #auspol
Anyone remember that talk I did at @everythingopen on open data and justice reinvestment and kids in the prison system?
Today’s news says Vic govt has cut funding to youth crime prevention programs, while also looking to pass tougher bail laws because of the “youth crime wave”.
We are a society paying for our inability to understand and recover from trauma in our hospitals and prisons.
Anthony Carbines thinks our kids should pay, plus compound interest.
Boycott Tasmanian salmon, while you’re already reconsidering your shopping habits. #auspol #maugeanSkate #SalmonFarming
Please consider signing this petition to end salmon farming in Tasmania and protect our environment.
The Australia Institute has recently obtained documents, which the public service has been found to have illegally refused to release,which reveal that Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has known for almost 18 months that salmon farming should be comprehensively assessed under national environmental law for its impact on the endangered Maugean skate and Macquarie Harbour’s World Heritage value.
In a bid to pander to the powerful aquaculture lobby, the Prime Minister has pledged $37 million in public funding to support the toxic salmon industry and promised to introduce legislation that will allow them to bypass Australia’s environmental protection laws and continue destroying World Heritage – both the skate and the Harbour are recognised for their World Heritage value.
History of the #Nisei ‘Go For Broke’ WWII unit #removed from #Army #website
The history of the 442nd #RegimentalCombatTeam has been removed from the U.S. Army’s official website.
The 442nd, combined with the 100th Infantry Battalion, remains the #most #decorated #combat #unit in #history for its size and length of service. The World War II unit was made up mostly of second generation #JapaneseAmericans.
#USPol #TrumpIsANazi #auspol #WhiteWashingHistory
Breaking News ~ The US Adopts Australia's #Coalition #LNP Technology.
Two days after Director Lee Zeldin announced he was gutting the EPA, Trump announced we are going to fire up “clean coal” plants:
“After years of being held captive by Environmental Extremists, Lunatics, Radicals, and Thugs, allowing other Countries, in particular China, to gain tremendous Economic advantage over us by opening up hundreds of all Coal Fire Power Plants, I am authorizing my Administration to immediately begin producing Energy with BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN COAL.”