Yesterday I knew about #uxn and I knew some other things were plausible with roms and such... now I am drawing on a "me built" rooted sdcarded homebrewed nintendo #3dsxl because I can!
This is the new thing I needed to tinker with. LOL
now to figure out how to post files FROM the 3ds over a network... shirly the #curl library could be of service... hmm. #smolweb #exploring #oldtech
thanks #fediverse
I need to learn C now. #programming
@cannibal Not sure if it counts because technically I did it ISO week before last (published Sun Feb 23) but I made a dark theme for my personal web site (in addition to the default light theme that it's had for a long time) which triggers automatically based on browser preferences settings. Does that count?
I did fix an omission just now, though! Also made the paginator look much better while I was at it.
New blog post up. Bit of a "today I learned" about a convenient piece of syntax handled by Pelican's Markdown interpreter which allows setting a CSS class or a HTML ID for an image from within the Markdown source.
It's either
![](){: .css-class}
![](){: #example-element-id}
Blog post has a bit more detail.
February's link share post is up on my web site, for those who are interested in such things.
@Tutanota While not applicable in all scenarios, one solution is to leave this whole polluted protocol behind.
Check out #geminiprotocol with
The experience is like early web, in a good way.
Now presenting
Make Your Own Website
This guide is intended to help beginners make their first website with HTML/CSS.
I originally wrote it for my daughter, then 12 years old, so she could make a website for a school project. I think it is now complete-enough for anyone to follow to get started making a personal or hobby site.
Let me know what you think!
new post on "the essence of training is to allow for error without consequence"
when I was a teenager in the 1990s, a huge chunk of my time was spent exploring the world wide web, chatting with other people on IRC and in MMORPGs.
when I was 15-17 years old, I hung out with 20, 30 and 40-year-olds in cyberspace who assumed I was their age. that was partly thanks to my ability to type quickly and accurately.
I wasn't always taken seriously by the other people in those online groups, because I could be a real pain in the ass sometimes. I was moody, prone to emotional outbursts, and had a poor sense of boundaries. y'know, just like a teenager.
IRC channels and Ultima Online unknowingly became safe spaces to learn how to relate to adults, by imitating them, and being disciplined by them.
emotionally, for me, a lot was at stake: I wanted the people in my channel to like me. conversely, nothing was really at stake for me too. when i pissed someone off, got booted or banned from a channel for being a little shit, I could just turn off the computer monitor and go watch TV. no one was going to come to my house and beat me up, or take away my possessions or put a permanent blotch on my academic record.
... continued at the link:
@chkdsk It's a small internet protocol that only allows a very limited set of markup. Links, blockquotes, preformatted blocks, headers, and maybe unordered lists but I forget. There's some impressive software built for it but there's only so much you can do with it.
I used Gemini for a while but got tired of it as I got back into writing because it doesn't have any way of emphasizing text.
YOU should have a website. EVERYONE should have a website.
Also "HTML For People" is fantastic.
#smolweb #selfhosted #indieweb
edit: whups, shout out to @nora
I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week unless I fall behind this schedule. So here's Cool Personal Homepages #CPH Vol. 34: "gniibe, GNU bee, and Degrees of Freedom"
#SSIDWeb Communication: A Simple Guide
#p2p #nosurf #foss #smolnet #tech #solarpunk #irl #wlan #lan #cyberpunk #smolweb #mesh #meshnet
Finding a discreet human scale public space without untrustworthy third party (as much as possible)
+intermittent amnesic pseudonymous ubiquitous ergonomic free+
What Is SSIDWeb?
SSIDWeb uses WiFi network names (SSIDs) to share small pieces of information within a local area. It's a decentralized way to signal your interests, offers, or requests without needing internet or social platforms.
How It Works
1. Encode Information in the WiFi Name (SSID):
Use a 3character code to describe your group, the type of interaction, and preferences.
Add a handle or alias for followup communication (e.g., `@Alice`).
2. Format:
SSID: `BOU@John`
B: Vegan (group).
O: Gathering/Event (offer).
U: High mutualization (setup).
Steps to Use
1. Choose Your Code
Position 1 (Group): Choose your niche.
Position 2 (Type):
Uppercase = Offer (e.g., `O` for hosting an event).
Lowercase = Request (e.g., `o` for asking about an event).
Position 3 (Setup): Decide the interaction mode (e.g., `T` = Anonymous).
2. Set Your WiFi Name
Open your WiFi settings and rename your network to match your code.
Add an alias or contact (e.g., email or handle): `DPZsashaathostcom`.
3. Scan and Decode Nearby SSIDs
Look at available WiFi networks and decode codes using the chart below.
Code Chart
Position 1: Groups
D:Physical Play
Position 2: Types
Offer/Request A a
A:Market Entry
Z:First Exp
E:Pro Collab
Position 3: Setups
U:High Mutualization
O:In person
Why Use SSIDWeb?
Privacy: Share information without revealing identities.
Decentralized: No internet or platform dependency.
Simple: Works on any device that scans WiFi networks.
Example Use Case
SSID: `UYA@Bobatinstancecom`
U: Psychonaut group.
Y: Tools to do Psychonaut stuff.
A: Fiat transaction.
When Bob's network appears, others nearby can decode it and join anonymously!
Start today and connect locally with SSIDWeb!
when i was a kid, you could build a simple game or application by dragging and dropping a few UI controls, and gluing them together with a few dozen lines of BASIC or Pascal or HyperTalk. it might take 15 minutes, at most, to get your little character walking around on the screen. this is how we ended up with a lot of hilariously good and cheap shareware you could share on BBSes in the 90s.
for the past year i've been quietly working on building a software thingie that doesn't exist anymore. i've been building a software toolkit that's kinda like Visual Basic and HyperCard and Borland Delphi, designed for making tile-based 2d games.
i've been using it to build my own little goofy games, and improving on the drag'n'drop IDE as i figuring things out. it's not done yet, and has a long ways to go before it's ready for other people to start making their own little applications and games. think PICO-8 or ZZT if they had grown up on a steady diet of Windows 3.1 and GeoWorks Ensemble instead.
i'm really, really bad about polishing turds to infinity and never releasing them. to break that habit, i've built a mini-website for the IDE/Shareware Creation Kit. it's called Exigy, named like a bad 80s metal hair band or richard garriott game.
i'll be posting weekly blog/devlog updates there, so i don't irritate anyone with them on this account. there is an rss feed button at the top right if you hate my demonic php and css.