With #LPSC2025 about to start, it's time to share what I've been working on during the last months.
This is a new high resolution 3D model of the Mont Mercou outcrop, that I made during my recent internship at LPG Nantes.
With #LPSC2025 about to start, it's time to share what I've been working on during the last months.
This is a new high resolution 3D model of the Mont Mercou outcrop, that I made during my recent internship at LPG Nantes.
If you are going to the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (#LPSC2025) next week, please take the time to reflect on the future #PlanetaryScience and to use the time at the conference to organize and prepare for the future.
https://www.ufofeed.com/112346/infinity-of-space-a-mind-blowing-beyond-imagination/ Infinity of Space: A Mind-Blowing Beyond Imagination! #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration
Alright #fediverse. Where are the #planetaryscience kids talking about the #planetaryalignment happening? WHO has the cool #telescopes? Where are the #planetarium nerds?
Beautiful new cover of the Nature Astronomy Journal
The dark polar ovals of Jupiter
Image: Troy Tsubota, University of California, Berkeley.
Cover design: Bethany Vukomanovic
How Long Does it Take to Get to the Moon… Mars… Jupiter? We Asked a NASA Expert: Episode 51 https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-to-the-moon-mars-jupiter-we-asked-a-nasa-expert-episode-51/ #NASA #ScienceMissionDirectorate #PlanetaryScience #PlanetaryScienceDivision #TheSolarSystem
Why Does the Moon Look Larger at the Horizon? We Asked a NASA Scientist: Episode 50 https://www.nasa.gov/general/why-does-the-moon-look-larger-at-the-horizon-we-asked-a-nasa-scientist-episode-50/ #NASA #General #EarthSMoon #LunarScience #PlanetaryScience #ScienceResearch #Skywatching #TheSolarSystem
Blue Ghost spacecraft footage shows Earth ‘in the rearview mirror’ https://www.byteseu.com/737308/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology
Study Finds Earth’s Small Asteroid Visitor Likely Chunk of Moon Rock https://www.nasa.gov/science-research/planetary-science/study-finds-earths-small-asteroid-visitor-likely-chunk-of-moon-rock/ #NASA #Asteroids #EarthSMoon #JetPropulsionLaboratory #PlanetaryDefense #PlanetaryDefenseCoordinationOffice #PlanetaryScience
wowww check out this processing of the 360° panorama captured by Perseverance at Lookout Hill, on the crest of the rim of Jezero Crater. Credit: Andrew Bodrov. The 4.5-billion-pixel panorama is made up of 854 individual Mastcam-Z images stitched together.
NASA’s Planetary Defenders Head to the Sundance Film Festival https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasas-planetary-defenders-head-to-the-sundance-film-festival/ #NASA #Asteroids #PlanetaryDefense #PlanetaryDefenseCoordinationOffice #PlanetaryScience #PlanetaryScienceDivision #ScienceMissionDirectorate #SocialMedia
Astronomers find massive supernova remnant closer than previously thought https://www.byteseu.com/631076/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology
NASA Workshops Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement with Educators https://science.nasa.gov/learning-resources/science-activation/nasa-workshops-culturally-inclusive-planetary-engagement-with-educators/ #NASA #Grades58ForEducators #Grades912ForEducators #GradesK4ForEducators #OpportunitiesForEducatorsToGetInvolved #PlanetaryScience #ScienceActivation
Astronomy Activation Ambassadors: A New Era https://science.nasa.gov/learning-resources/science-activation/astronomy-activation-ambassadors-a-new-era/ #NASA #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Grades912ForEducators #OpportunitiesForEducatorsToGetInvolved #OpportunitiesForStudentsToGetInvolved #PlanetaryScience #ScienceActivation #STEMEngagementAtNASA
Near the end of its investigation of the Murray Buttes area, the Curiosity rover took this farewell selfie at the "Quela" drilling location in September 2016 (Sol 1463).
Full Panorama: https://www.360cities.net/image/curiosity-rover-selfie-at-murray-buttes
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Steve Albers/Simeon Schmauß
An unforgettable night under intense auroras at Vestrahorn, Iceland https://www.byteseu.com/603914/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology
Martian landscapes, from a 360° panorama captured two days ago by the Curiosity rover
#Mars Dec. 23, 2024 (Sol 4401)
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk