I emailed my library the other day about hosting a mending workshop/free repair clinic. They are willing to help me organize and host it! I've been trying to get involved in the community without much luck, so hopefully this will be successful and just add some positivity to this year.
Patched my husband's jeans with some #sashiko style #mending.
I'm interested to see how it holds up in the laundry. Worst case, I'll get to try another type of stitch and see.
I have yet to rinse away the grid guidelines I drew onto it, but they will vanish in water.
I tried to choose a playful color and a pattern that isn't too flashy, but which also provides some strength.
El año pasado, empezando en verano, reparé trece prendas u objetos textiles. Todas las veces que pude, apunté el precio de la prenda u objeto comprados nuevos. He ahorrado aproximadamente 330 euros, una media de 26 euros por prenda, o visto de otro modo, unos 70 de media al mes en prendas que no he tenido que sustituir. Al principio tardaba mucho tiempo, ahora tardo menos.
Algunas de las prendas más baratas son infantiles de fast fashion o ropa interior. La más cara es una mochila. Una cosa se ha roto de una forma que no merece la pena reparar (la cartera; la uso con la cremallera rota).
No es mucha ropa porque solo hago esto un ratito del fin de semana, pero me sirve ponerlo con esta perspectiva.
#mending #visiblemending
And here's the octagonal patch, too. It supposedly puts less strain on the thinned material instead of the sharp points of a diamond or square patch... But most noticeably the corners are easier to control and won't feel as bulky.
Just cut a square, fold the edges, and then fold the corners and trim!
Another one of my linen shifts has torn at the elbow! This one is about ten years old so it's not surprising, but at this rate I'll have patched elbows on all of them.
Guess I'll try to fix this one in a quick enough way that I can still put it in the laundry today. Let's be good and do a diagonal patch, too.