I send thanks to the buyer from Maryland who purchased a coffee mug of
Serenity -- https://2-steve-henderson.pixels.com/featured/serenity-steve-henderson.html?product=coffee-mug
May the image on the mug bring you to a place of peace, calmness, and contemplation.
Noticed today three states of my mind:
1. “Normal”. Thinking about a subject. It feels narrow.
2. “Daydreaming”. Thinking drifting on random subjects. It feels meandering through a wide space, but the thinking itself is still narrow.
3. “Mindfulness”. Not thinking, but experiencing. It feels wide and open. Certainly not “mind full”. If it is full of anything, it is the direct experience of body and feeling.
A wee ten minute relaxing meditation set in a bookshop for book lovers or anyone else who fancies relaxing here for a few minutes!
#Bookworms #Bookstodon #Meditation #Meditate #Bookish #BookLover
When I carve a wand, I use the process as a #meditation tool. This one helped me focus on unburdening myself of #grief while holding on to #love.
I love working with #newmexico piñon wood. It has a bone-like quality, or maybe antler.
Moebius (Jean Giraud)
This guy is so awesome, super prolific and always so imaginative and weird and spiritual. I'd leave this world to live in Moebius' world in an instant. At least for a while.
Another scifi / fantasy artist that isn't into monsters and wars and apocalypse and zombies (or superheroes).
#art @art #moebius #cacti #communication #communion #meditation
This year, I've managed to get back to my daily meditation routine. However, there are days when some special interest kicks in and I have to quit early in order to pursue whatever interest has fully occupied my mind. This morning, I noticed such hyperfocus (upcoming poetry book) even before I sat down. I understood there was no way I could properly meditate so I skipped it altogether. Tomorrow I'll return to the routine.
Winter Cabins in the Canadian Rockies. Can you feel the quiet?
Prints at https://fineartamerica.com/featured/canadian-rockies-winter-cabin-reflection-mike-reid.html
Having a quiet mind, mental health improvements.
Let's start out with the negative and then move to positive.
Many days over the past few years, I have been stuck in my head, thinking about random things, some negative, some positive, some neutral.
While I enjoyed the thinking initially in some cases, I always felt fatigued afterwards and wondered why I could not concentrate on programming. I felt like I could not focus.
So today, I did an experiment.
I focused on programming tasks for college, it took a while but eventually I was able to focus.
After doing all that I focused on my breathing and gently quietened my thoughts.
Writing this, a few hours later, I am still in that state of mind.
It was amazing within thirty minutes what happened to me and how quick change can be.
My stress evaporated.
My emotions began to normalise, I started reacting by smiling to people's messages.
I still feel relaxed, and I also feel like I am 19 again (which is my physical age).
I never realised how important it was to have a quiet mind and how much it has been damaging me over the past few years to go down long trains of thought which often made me feel fatigued or sad or a combination.
It's been under my nose this whole time.
Needless to say, I will be continuing this. It is shocking how thirty minutes of a quiet mind was able to eliminate the majority of my symptoms.
If your a person like me, then try to focus on the world around you and try not to be stuck in your head.
It's amazing how much life I've let slip by because of this very simple thing.
Anyone out there whose interior could use a bit of #pink, here are 4 works to check out, they were made by Kib, Geng, Em aka Suphannee & Lek; msg me if interested in any of these
Meadowbrook Run
- Tributary of Ithan Creek
This shallow tributary carries warmer water into the colder Ithan Creek. Fallfish, White Suckers, and Common Shiners gather at the confluence, attracted to the slightly warmer conditions
Today I unfollowed about 200 Mastodon accounts that were inactive, half of the ones I was following. I also decided to narrow down the field of information I want to see in this place. There are things I won't continue doing and topics that no longer interest me.
For example, bugbounty has become a disgusting business and in any case I just need to log into the platforms I'm on, look for bugs and report them when I find them without having to read the vomitous posts of rockstars.
The privacy issue has me inflated.
I still have Linux, BSD and a couple of programming languages that still interest me.
Outside of the technical, the exchange with late-diagnosed autistic adults, memes and pets are still of interest.
I'm getting older and if I stop using social networks it's not for the reason that others do (politics, ideology, activism) but because I need to focus more on things in my personal life (like my Zen practice and my health). I'm very close to closing my X and Bluesky accounts for good and it has nothing to do with Elon, politics or whatever the fuck people do with their lives and opinions. It's because I find it all crude and ridiculous and it distracts me from the little life I have left.
Thanks to the calm people who still make Mastodon a nice place.
In 2017 I began exploring meditation to combat addiction and emotional imbalance. Juxtaposed with this, as an artist I started playing with some of the elements from old sketches and patterns in vector drawing software. This led to me accidentally creating a mandala. I had always been inspired and influenced by symmetrical forms and pattern in art and this mandala was the first one I completed that ignited an obsession with them to this day.
Sat 6pm - find some peace at #MIT with #meditation - with live music - free food and socializing after
https://calendar.mit.edu/event/musical-meditation-nights-1865 #CambridgeMA
#bostonWeekend 3/x
Spontane #vogelfotografie direkt vor meiner Tür.
Herr Leiopicus Medicus - Mittelspecht - schaute vorbei auf einen kleinen Snack. Ich bin so dankbar dafür, dass ich #naturfotografie vor meiner Haustür machen kann.
Spechte - zumindest bei mir der #buntspecht und der #Mittelspecht - legen immer so kleine Ruhepausen ein und sitzen dann vollkommen in Ruhe und fast bewegungslos. Das ist extrem entspannend...
Für mich ist Naturfotografie einfach pure #meditation