Library workers deserve protection, not prosecution https://georgiarecorder.com/2025/03/17/library-workers-deserve-protection-not-prosecution/ #Books #Libraries #Fascism
Library workers deserve protection, not prosecution https://georgiarecorder.com/2025/03/17/library-workers-deserve-protection-not-prosecution/ #Books #Libraries #Fascism
"A new executive order has targeted the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the federal agency charged with distributing congressionally approved funds to state libraries and to library, museum, and archives program grant recipients. The Executive Order says that IMLS must be reduced to its "statutory functions.””
Stand by your local library and libraries across the country: sign your name to the petition by clicking the link above.
You can also follow this link (https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=23577 [oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net]) to tell congress your library story—share the impact that your library has had on your community.
How I find most books these days is just browsing my libraries genre tag or seeing if my favorite narrators narrated something new. #Books #Library #Libraries @bookstodon
It comes from a loose coalition of #archivists & #librarians, who are standing athwart #history & yelling “Save!” They belong to organizations such as the #InternetArchive, which co-created a project called the End of Term Web Archive to back up the federal web in 2008; the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative, or #edgi; & #libraries at major #universities such as #MIT & the University of #Michigan.
"Our library supports storytellers globally to create impactful content that can inspire change and optimism for our planet."
#Libraries #SolarPunkSunday
The concept of community and sharing has been lost in society. Libraries are great because they are for the community. Buy a book for everyone to share. The selfishness is disturbing and shameful.
American Library Association (ALA) Statement on White House Assault on the Institute of Museum and Library Services https://www.infodocket.com/2025/03/15/ala-statement-on-white-house-assault-on-the-institute-of-museum-and-library-services/ #libraries #museums #IMLS
get library cards and use them often (online e-book and audiobook rentals count!). sign up to volunteer at your local library. donate money to your library’s general fund. run for a spot on the library board.
join and participate in your local “friends of the library” group. donate books (if your library accepts book donations). set up your own little free library. vote for library funding when it’s on your local ballot.
fill out comment cards to leave positive comments. request new materials that you’d like to see added to the stacks. like and share your library’s social media content.
@romancelandia @bookstodon #Romancelandia
"The guide to contested Illinois public school board elections, taking place April 1, is live.
This guide is different from the public library guide, in that it's intended to be 1. collaborative and 2. an exercise in how to find info on local elections."
#Libraries #Illinois #BookBans
The Guerrilla-Librarian Resistance
“My dad’s from Bosnia, and that’s informed my outlook on what can be irretrievably lost,” he said, citing the destruction of nearly two million books when Sarajevo’s National Library was shelled in 1992. Now he’s teaching dozens of Americans to save data from their own rogue government
#libraries #DOGE #RESIST
Update. "A Call for Harm Reduction Strategies"
"The new US presidential administration has launched an unprecedented assault on research and higher education. This isn’t just collateral damage from wide-ranging realignment of budgets, which would be bad enough, but an orchestrated attack on academic freedom, research funding, and the institutional autonomy that underpins intellectual progress…Resistance is most effective when collective action amplifies individual efforts rather than occurring in isolation. This means fostering more frequent and open dialogue across all sectors of the academic and research community [e.g. #libraries and #publishers]."
How to Support Your Local Library https://blog.libro.fm/supporting-your-local-library/ #Library #Libraries
YAY! Someone said their library bought Pass the Salt! https://share.libbyapp.com/title/10584475 #Books #EBooks #EBook #Library #Libraries #Gay #Dating #Disability @bookstodon @reading
seems my #introduction didn't migrate so here we are.
hello. i used to be on fosstodon at @jabster28@fosstodon.org, but running my own seemed fun so now i'm on my own #sharkey instance at mace.lol
i'm currently in university for a computer science degree (no i won't be homeless.). i do a lot of #programming and like to mess around with general #devops stuff (containerisation and networking mostly) in my free time, a lot of my mini projects revolve around automating this or that and making it work with everything else i have in my own ecosystem.
i #selfhost a lot of services for ephemeral file sharing and password management etc.
my main languages are #javascript / #typescript and #rust but i've been wanting to learn some #cpp or c# recently (i don't always want a program that's 1000% correct, cargo.)
(also css is genuinely an a tier language. insanely fit for purpose.)
i do some #networking and find it pretty fun mostly
i play a lot of #splatoon in my free time. i'm also fond of #mahjong, #minesweeper, and #tetris (modern tetris (usually techmino), not the official app) to sink my time into if i'm on my phone or something.
some more stuff i'm into that's probably more fringe:
#wikipedia editing is pretty fun, though it's rare that i'll get a chance to correct/add to an article that i know about and can source. doing coi requests [en.wikipedia.org] is cool, though, you see some really interesting people
i'd love to be able to do #cooking faster but i feel that's only possible with enough time or money to cook when you don't need to (i have neither)
#libraries are really cool and i'd love to go to more of them and document them. working at one seems fun also
slightly related but i wouldn't mind getting better at #photography at some point (maybe make a pixelfed account?)
my only major political stance on here would probably be that #privacy is a fundamental human right, and a lot of things online right now don't let you control that as well as you should
i guess that leads into me liking #monero, there's not many other ways you can transfer wealth to someone without anyone else snooping. no, b*tcoin doesn't count, it's simply not fit for purpose.
that also goes into #cryptography i suppose. the mathematics inside things like ecdh is pretty beautiful. one of the reasons i'm going to university is to eventually be able to fully understand elliptic curves and a lot of the cryptography we use nowadays.
that's it, thanks for coming to my ted talk. make sure to smash that like button, subscribe, and hit the red bell to get notifications when i upload. also be sure to donate to my patreon and ko-fi, link's in the description. you can also buy the product from this video's spons-
okay i'm done
you should do a random act of kindness today. maybe tomorrow. or not, i'm not your mom.
I attended a UC Master Gardener class today at the library, and found out that several branches in San Jose have a seed library. You can just ask for the seed library, and they’ll bring out cases of donated seed packets for you to take home free of charge.
The library! It’s more than just books!
#sanjose #gardening #libraries
(New server, new #introduction .)
I'm a newcomer to #portland #pdx. I moved here after living in #austin #austinTX for over 30 years.
I'm interested in #openSource #linux #selfHosted #homeAutomation #homeAssistant
I advocate for #civicTech #openData #communityTech
I like #libraries #classicalGuitar
I occasionally post photos of #cooking, #bread, #pizza, and Franklin the #cat. You're welcome.