#ElkRapidsMI #library starts seed library, offers #FreeSeeds for #CommunityGardening
by Marc Schollett, March 16th 2025
ANTRIM COUNTY, Mich,. (WPBN/WGTU) - - "With temperatures rising across northern #Michigan, folks with green thumbs are gardens are already thinking of what they'll plant this spring, but a northern Michigan library maybe one step ahead of them and lending a helping hand at the same time.
"'Libraries are a place where people come together for community,' said Emily Spielbauer, Elk Rapids District Library.
"The Elk Rapids District Library isn't huge, but what it offers the community it serves is gigantic.
"'I mean, it feels great to know that you're serving the community or feeling a need,' said Spielbauer.
"Inside, a ton of books, but it's what just appeared in their lobby this week that may have folks stopping to take a second look.
"Ultimately right now we're really excited about the opening of our seed library in which people can come and get seeds," said Spielbauer.
"It is a library inside a library.
"So we've got a lot of produce, a lot of different types of things that you can eat. We have a small section of flowers, but the idea is that we're offering a source of food for the community," said Spielbauer.
"Right in the corner, is the library's seed library, hundreds of packets, of dozens of different things you can grow in your garden.
"'So the seeds are a self-service station. People do not have to give their name or anything. They can just come in and take what they will use,' said Spielbauer.
"The seeds are free, but there is a tremendous perk for getting them here that you just don't get buying them at the store.
"'You get these green thumbs together and they start talking about their favorite things to grow. And like I said, sharing tips and tricks together,' said Spielbauer.
"The seed library offers all the things you might expect to grow here in Northern Michigan...and a few that have sparked some curiosity.
"'One thing that I've not seen go and I'm really interested if someone would report back is the okra. Like I don't know how to grow it and we've got a lot of okra seeds,' said Spielbauer.
"A lot of seeds, thanks to a lot of donations."
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#SolarPunkSunday #LibrariesRule #SeedLibrary #SeedSharing #BuildingCommunity