Workout Report, Injury discussion w/prevention focus
Tonight's workout did not go as expected. I jumped rope in the dark again, which was more or less unremarkable. I then came back inside and started doing some CARS, and as I tested my range of motion I was quickly aware that I was *not* in a good space to be challenging my body.
My neck was stiff, my sides and back were knotted intensely and I was *exhausted*. The tension in my back felt decidedly connected to a numb-ish sensation on my lower back and side that I'd noticed a couple of nights prior. I had overworked myself.. again.
I don't have a good way of knowing what the exact or final cause was but any of the following recent events seem like likely contributors:
- An intense month of working on my pancake flexibility, with *no* work on the twisting movements in the waist and hips
- Moving furniture to upstairs
- New acro moves/ getting back into acro too quickly
- Working out while recovering from a blood draw
- Having spent a few hours mowing the lawn (with a scythe) and trimming the sidewalk edges (with an electric weed wacker thing).
So I may not know what did it (likely some combination near-ish "all of the above") but I did know that I wouldn't be putting any *more* strain on my lower back today. So no flying, which was a bummer, but it's better to be safe than to really injure myself and be stuck not doing for even longer!
I did do full range of movement explorations, and some specific stretches aimed at relieving strain on the sciatic (and other lumbar) nerves, which I am running on the assumption are acting up.
After dinner I took a nice long epsom salt soak, and I shall be being careful to make sure I don't overwork myself this weekend, and I will probably be adding some of those stretches to a daily practice till that strange sensation in my side clears up.