Workout Report
Changed things up and did gym today because we have a conflict tomorrow evening.
Got to really play at #acrobatics and that was great fun :)
Some good #handstand sillyness too!
I'm tired and sore now, this is a good thing.
Someone asked me what it felt like to hold an entire person in the air.
I told them that it felt like the physical embodiment of trust.
Workout Goals
Allrighty, first workout of the new year.
Goal is some good body movement explorations and hopefully some partner acro.
I *am* running low on sleep as I pulled an all nighter to reset my sleep schedule.. so we'll see how it goes!
Workout Goals, mention of disordered eating
Ok. I've been a mess for a couple of weeks. And I think I figured out that I was managing to low-calorie myself without realizing it. That has been addressed, and hopefully by the end of *this* week, I'll be a bit more myself.
But we go slowly back into things after being out of it for a while. So, hoping for a few handstands and maybe an acro trick. That's the hopes. Mostly it'll be moving the bones.
Workout Goals
Ok, hopefully gonna do a bit of acro tonight if we can all get physically warm enough :D
Handstands and juggling are also expected to occur.
Workout Goals
Well, as per usual, I overdid it a bit on Monday, no injuries but I can tell I need to take it a bit easy today.
Hoping to still do some silly movement, some handstands, and maybe a little acro.
Workout Goals
Goals for tonight are to do some eccentric movement, maybe some push ups, maybe some hand to hand acro, and some juggling. I think that'd be a nice night.
Workout Goals
And today I begin exploring towards learning to planche!
Also general eccentric movement, handstands and hopefully some partner acrobatics :D
Workout Goals
Hopefully today is warm up, eccentric movement, some juggling (I've decided to add time to work on my shower, because I'm *this close* to getting it), handstands, and hopefully some partner acrobatics
Workout Goals, injury mention
Well, as is so often the case, I did *something* (presumably while doing more acro than normal on Wednesday) to my wrist, and it's being whingy. So.. taking it easy is the goal today. Still going to do movement as I can, and we'll see what happens, maybe it'll warm up and stop being sad, but I'm gonna be gentle with it either way, tbh.
Workout Goals, minor health whinge
Ok, so the hope today is to manage as much as I did on Monday. I have a headache I'm trying to shake, and I'm trying to catch up on hydration, as I have multiple symptoms of being somewhat dehydrated.
If I do *some* acro, some handstands, and some eccentric movement I'll be pretty happy with it.
Workout Goals
Forgot to post my goals or results on Friday, but I had a delightful playtime of lots of new movements on hands.
Today I'd like to be doing more partner acro. I'm pretty sure I'm up for it. Definitely going to be doing some handstands and eccentric movement again.
Workout goals
Eccentric movement, handstands and maybe some acro shenanigans. That's the plan for tonight.
#LiamsFitnessLog #exercise #circusLife #circusInPlace #acrobatics
Workout goals
ok, eccentric movement, some handstands and ...2 acro moves?
Let's see if the back allows it.
Workout Report, Injury discussion w/prevention focus
Tonight's workout did not go as expected. I jumped rope in the dark again, which was more or less unremarkable. I then came back inside and started doing some CARS, and as I tested my range of motion I was quickly aware that I was *not* in a good space to be challenging my body.
My neck was stiff, my sides and back were knotted intensely and I was *exhausted*. The tension in my back felt decidedly connected to a numb-ish sensation on my lower back and side that I'd noticed a couple of nights prior. I had overworked myself.. again.
I don't have a good way of knowing what the exact or final cause was but any of the following recent events seem like likely contributors:
- An intense month of working on my pancake flexibility, with *no* work on the twisting movements in the waist and hips
- Moving furniture to upstairs
- New acro moves/ getting back into acro too quickly
- Working out while recovering from a blood draw
- Having spent a few hours mowing the lawn (with a scythe) and trimming the sidewalk edges (with an electric weed wacker thing).
So I may not know what did it (likely some combination near-ish "all of the above") but I did know that I wouldn't be putting any *more* strain on my lower back today. So no flying, which was a bummer, but it's better to be safe than to really injure myself and be stuck not doing for even longer!
I did do full range of movement explorations, and some specific stretches aimed at relieving strain on the sciatic (and other lumbar) nerves, which I am running on the assumption are acting up.
After dinner I took a nice long epsom salt soak, and I shall be being careful to make sure I don't overwork myself this weekend, and I will probably be adding some of those stretches to a daily practice till that strange sensation in my side clears up.
Workout Goals
Todays goals: Warm up with my jump rope intervals with the deep squats and walking lunges as usual. CARS and some handstand shenanigans. Partner acro, with a focus on me flying higher today. Some overhead bird at the very least. Been a bit since I've done that, so I'm pretty excited for it!
Workout Report, avoided injury mention
We did the thing. Admittedly we sorta just hit the minimums, but they were hit!
Jumping rope in the dark, very glad that I know where the uneven concrete is, so I didn't accidentally twist an ankle doing walking lunges.
We did some handstands, heel pulls etc, but nothing overly adventurous. Solid though :)
We did a real focus session on candlestick and thigh stands. Sometimes you've really got to go back and drill the fundamentals! We're feeling much more secure in both moves, *and* identified what we'd been overlooking on Monday.
We did try the bunk bed to Box thing, which was easier than expected! We haven't figured out what moves connect into it, or out of it yet, but we're inspired to figure some out!
Workout Goals, medical mention
Ok, so I had to get blood drawn earlier today to check my T levels, so I'm going to have to remember to be careful with myself today.
So, I'm still going to warm up with my jump rope intervals with the deep squats and walking lunges for sure. Hopefully I can still do some handstand work (and some play), then partner acro! We'd planned to focus on working on a couple of specific moves, and found a move that we've never tried before that we want to explore. (Namely, candlestick and thigh stand to hone, and something called "Bunk Bed to Box" which is new to us) If we can't do them all today, we'll definitely do them on Friday!
workout report, food
Todays workout went pretty well!
Jumped rope while the neighbors hung out on their porch, which was only slightly awkward as I deep squatted and did walking lunges up and down my sidewalk. I stole a calf stretch and one pancake stretch from last month's flexibility work and did those along with CARS to get everything moving and happy.
Then handstand training; Heel pulls, kneel to straddle work, kneel to tuck work, the Froggy Hops that I discovered last week, and something I'm gonna call "facing the wall straddle leans".
Then we had *Acro Time*
We started with a flow from Bird to Throne to Simple throne and then being set down above Russ's head. Then we worked on our candlestick, both floating and not floating. That took some work dialing back in, and we intend on making it a focus again on Wednesday. We practiced a piece of a new (to us) washing machine flow called a Barrel Roll, and found out that I've gotten out of practice with the pressures of Ninja Star.
We then did some 2 highs with Russ sitting in a straddle, worked on "Flipper", which both went reasonably well, given that it'd been a while since we'd done them.
I managed to slip while we practiced a Thigh Stand and while I landed on my feet, I hit the ground hard enough that my leg/hip tensed up enough that I was done for the day. Some light stretching later and that was that!
I've since eaten, done dishes, and taken a good soak. Feeling good about the workout and looking forward to more acro on Wednesday!
#LiamsFitnessJourney #acrobatics #partnerAcro #exercise #jumpRope #handBalance #circusLife