Toivo and Aino jokes
Ole and Lena jokes
These remind me a lot of a similar style of jokes in #Turkish/Middle Eastern culture.

Toivo and Aino jokes
Ole and Lena jokes
These remind me a lot of a similar style of jokes in #Turkish/Middle Eastern culture.
My boss calls me the Computer because I go to sleep if left unattended for ten minutes.
#Python #Programming #Coding #IT #Tech #Software #Computer #Statistics #DataAnalysis #MachineLearning #DataScience #Jokes #Memes #Funny #NeuralNetworks #AI #DevOps
Python Knowledge Base
WiFi password
#Python #Programming #Coding #Statictics #DataAnalysis #MachineLearning #DataScience #Jokes #NeuralNetworks #AI
Python Knowledge Base
Object disoriented programming.
#Python #Programming #Coding #Statictics #DataAnalysis #MachineLearning #DataScience #Jokes #NeuralNetworks #AI #oop
Python Knowledge Base
What's the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing.
Any awesome jokes you've come across lately?
Two dirty old men were sitting on park bench, enjoying the warm summery weather.
Says one of them, "Gosh it's nice being out today!"
"Really?" says the other. "Think I'll take mine out too, then!"
(A joke I heard so long ago …)
On my way to producing yet another issue of my print magazine, Shut Yer Pie Hole! In the meantime, see the slightly updated website: http://www.shutyerpiehole.org #humor #satire #parody #USPolitics #politicalsatire #jokes #benstiller
And the service in Los Angeles is, shall we say, a bit LAX [ourairports.com]?
What are your favourites?
IATA airport codes are endless fun. For example, you definitely don't want to land your plane at AOG [ourairports.com]
("AOG" == "Aircraft on Ground" == a broken-down plane that's stuck at an airport, unable to leave.)
@embroidery @crossstitch @knitting @crochet @christianstitchers @charitystitchers @fiberart @fibrearts @fiberarts @textilearts @crafts @artsandcrafts
Doctor: Do you participate in any dangerous #Sports?
Husband: Sometimes I interrupt my wife while she's counting stitches.
(Originally found on Instagram)
Bored? Visit the new Shut Yer Pie Hole! website: http://www.shutyerpiehole.org
Espantar con un silbato azteca de: (nivel de miedo)
La muerte:
se ve que son de un pueblito tranquilo