Jump rope was a slow start, I jump outside and it was hot. Came back in and knocked out my flexibility conditioning, then some C.A.R.S.
And then as @RussSharek started doing heel pulls (handstand drill) I started to play.
I added doing a couple of wheels to offset all the forward stretch of the conditioning, then got into handstand mode.
Heel pulls, press/jump from kneeling, jumps to my makeshift canes - no new success there but work was done, playing with shapes while on hands from jumps to straddle (on the floor, not canes). A pretty solid session
And then I got silly. Worked dive rolls (managed to almost clear the stack of yoga block and roller in the picture, touched it but didn't knock it down)! I worked on my macaco! I found myself grabbing the railing at the entrance to the stage and doing L-sit dips (it's too wide to do them properly, but I tried!)! I did incline push ups with my feet on my "canes" stack of carpet tile and my hands on handstand blocks. Full range of motion! Chest to floor! 5 of them!?
Just ridiculous.
And then after having done such solid jump to straddles, I was relaxing in a "primal" squat and suddenly wondered whether I could jump to a straddle handstand from there, 'cause that would look cool. - the attached video is what happened after I succeeded and then *had* to know what that looked like.
..I may or may not have found myself moving around like a monkey, knuckles and low squat movement and then wondered if I could jump to a straddle like *that* .. and I think I did? I didn't hold it long, and my knuckles aren't conditioned for that kind of stress I stopped without getting evidence lol But I will be going back for it eventually!
I assume that tomorrow I shall be a noodle, and I have now eaten a very large egg sandwich.. and am considering how much of the rest of this kitchen I can eat...
edit to add hashtags
#LiamsFitnessLog #handBalance #handstands #fitness #workout #jumpRope #circusLife