The Halluci Nation
Phoenix Suns ORIGINATIV Halftime Show
#HalluciNation #Native #Indigenous
The Halluci Nation
Babylon Ft. Northern Cree (Official Audio)
#HalluciNation #Native #Indigenous
#AI #hallucination is a fixture, not a bug.
The nut the #techbros really want to crack is inuring the masses to an *acceptable* level of hallucination.
Which ensures, of course, that only insiders can say the #BlackBox is hallucinating.
Which one has to believe is a pretty handy feature for people in the business of inventing oracles for the masses.
Twirling body horror in gymnastics video exposes AI’s flaws - On Wednesday, a video from OpenAI's newly launched Sora AI video generator... - https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/12/twirling-body-horror-in-gymnastics-video-exposes-ais-flaws/ #aivideogenerator #aiconfabulation #aihallucination #machinelearning #videosynthesis #aijabberwocky #confabulation #hallucination #jabberwocky #gymnastics #olympics #biz #openai #sora #ai
@LordCaramac Here are some images matching your request
Prompt: froggies and fishies and flutterbies, oh my! #antiart #kitsch #elektrodada #dada #surrealism #chaos #fnord #psychedelic #hallucination whimsical curlicues maximalism suddenly very gay
Style: flux
@stablehorde_generator draw for us froggies and fishies and flutterbies, oh my! #antiart #kitsch #elektrodada #dada #surrealism #chaos #fnord #psychedelic #hallucination whimsical curlicues maximalism suddenly very gay
3/ I pressed again.
[Me] That's bull. It makes your developers look deeply uninformed. Are you sure you're giving me the real reasons why you're not allowed to share URLs?
[It] To be honest, I don't have any specific information about why I'm not allowed to share URLs. My training data simply doesn't include URLs, and I've been instructed to provide information in a way that doesn't include direct links.
PS: This isn't #hallucination. It's #waffling.
One of my readers tricked ChatGPT into generating a summary of the content at ErosBlog. Among the confabulatory bullshit that came back was the claim that Erosblog is "often" referred to as "the sex blog of record." Which is sweet, but, um...
It's a lie! Nobody ever referred to ErosBlog like that. I would have noticed. Confirming, the phrase doesn't exist in any search engine.
NSFW and drug use
Commission for thehighbear
The pitch does read like something an AI would come with.
If real people, you have to wonder what they are smoking.
Trucks? He’s actually [supposedly] talking about the transition to #Electricvehicles, which he has vowed to halt. That entire #hallucination is part of #Trump’s rationale for one of his major #policy positions. [policy via hallucination, girl bye]
…The White House press corps would be in wolf pack mode if #Biden were in the middle of a speech & suddenly veered into gibberish about boats & sharks.
Google’s AI Overview is flawed by design, and a new company blog post hints at why - Enlarge / The Google "G" logo surrounded by whimsical characters, all o... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=2027953 #largelanguagemodels #aihallucinations #machinelearning #makingthingsup #confabulation #hallucination #googlesearch #aioverview #googlei/o #chatgpt #chatgtp #lizreid #biz #google #openai #reddit #ai
Some teachers are now using ChatGPT to grade papers - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)
In a notable shift toward sanct... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=2008453 #houghtonmifflinharcout #machinelearning #aiineducation #confabulation #hallucination #education #aiethics #writable #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #openai #axios #ai
I've seen a bunch of smart angry people (respect! I'm one too) who are all grr argh about AI jargon terms like "intelligence" and "hallucination" and complain about how they're misnomers and misleading and scold other smart people whenever they encounter them online.
In my opinion as a poet and a programmer, the term "hallucination" is *not* a misnomer; it's a perfectly cromulent metaphor, a crisp illustration of a *defect* in the basic design and use of these tools, a software metaphor in the same vein as "bug" and "window" that have nothing to do with real insects or panes but nevertheless capture something important about how these maddeningly-complicated devices work, in a poetic way that helps our meat-minds tell true stories to each other using lies. (Human language is mostly metaphors, and all metaphors are lies, and all utterances are merely grunts and squeaks that stand in for imprecise and shifty ideas. We're all playing [Sprachspielen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_game_(philosophy)) with Wittgenstein.)
If you're worried that "intelligence" and "hallucination" lead people astray down the slippery slope of cyberpunk mysticism and chatbot sentience and "upload all the brains" futurist #utilitopianism, then I don't think you're giving your audience enough credit -- or on the flip side, giving them too much credit! Dumb people are gonna think dumb thoughts, no matter what terms you use, and smart people are gonna know the difference between metaphors and facts, once you take the time to explain it to them. Terminological perfectionism is a trap. (The hardest problem in CS is naming things.)
I mean it's not like people selecting "Save File" think a computer is heroically intentionally rescuing a folder full of paper documents from a burning cabinet, right? Except for Zoolander. It's just a metaphor, and in particular #hallucination *mitigates *#AI tech-bro hype by clearly naming a major flaw in the tech.
"Air Canada's chatbot gave a B.C. man the wrong information. Now, the airline has to pay for the mistake" https://bc.ctvnews.ca/air-canada-s-chatbot-gave-a-b-c-man-the-wrong-information-now-the-airline-has-to-pay-for-the-mistake-1.6769454 #AI #chatbot #liability #law #hallucination #AIpocalypse
Rhyming AI-powered clock sometimes lies about the time, makes up words - Enlarge / A CAD render of the Poem/1 sitting on a bookshelf. (credit: M... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1999895 #machinelearning #hallucinations #confabulation #hallucination #mattwebb #aiclock #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #ai
welp... am finding out #Indigenous #Canadian #EDM is my new jam.
i give thee, Halluci Nation #HalluciNation
No es común, pero consumir la salema (Sarpa salpa) puede producir ictioaleinotoxismo, terribles alucinaciones visuales y sonoras que duran hasta 36 horas. Diego Delso #fish #peces #alucinaciones #hallucination