AI Slop Is a Brute Force Attack on the Algorithms That Control Reality
Generative AI spammers are brute forcing the internet, and it is working.

AI Slop Is a Brute Force Attack on the Algorithms That Control Reality
Generative AI spammers are brute forcing the internet, and it is working.
Digital Therapists Get Stressed Too, Study Finds - Chatbots should be built with enough resilience to deal with difficult emotional situatio... - https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/17/science/chatgpt-digital-therapists-anxiety.html #therapyandrehabilitation #mentalhealthanddisorders #artificialintelligence #anxietyandstress #research #emotions #chatgpt
"Studie findet heraus, dass KI-Suchmaschinen in einem erstaunlichen Anteil der Fälle falsch liegen"
c't-Webinar: Produktiver Einsatz von Sprach-KI
Das Webinar erklärt, wie Sie Sprachmodelle effizient einsetzen, typische Fehler vermeiden und rechtliche Aspekte wie Datenschutz sowie Urheberrecht umsetzen.
Researchers astonished by tool’s apparent success at revealing AI’s hidden motives - In a new paper published Thursday titled "Auditing language models for hid... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/researchers-astonished-by-tools-apparent-success-at-revealing-ais-hidden-motives/ #largelanguagemodels #alignmentresearch #machinelearning #claude3.5haiku #aialignment #aideception #airesearch #anthropic #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #claude #ai
Why I’m Feeling the A.G.I. - Three arguments for taking progress toward artificial general intelligence, or A.G.I., mo... - https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/14/technology/why-im-feeling-the-agi.html #computersandtheinternet #artificialintelligence #hintongeoffreye #anthropicaillc #altmansamuelh #bengioyoshua #amodeidario #innovation #openailabs #research #doomsday #chatgpt
AI search engines give incorrect answers at an alarming 60% rate, study says - A new study from Columbia Journalism Review's Tow Center for Digital Journ... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/ai-search-engines-give-incorrect-answers-at-an-alarming-60-rate-study-says/ #aiconfabulations #aihallucinations #microsoftcopilot #machinelearning #confabulations #deepseeksearch #googlegemini #perplexity #microsoft #aisearch #deepseek #chatgpt #biz #google #openai #grok3 #grok #xai #ai
AI coding assistant refuses to write code, tells user to learn programming instead - On Saturday, a developer using Cursor AI for a racing game project hit an ... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/ai-coding-assistant-refuses-to-write-code-tells-user-to-learn-programming-instead/ #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #aipaternalism #stackoverflow #programming #airefusals #aicoding #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #cursor #github #tech #ai
New Scientist has used freedom of information laws to obtain the ChatGPT records of Peter Kyle, the UK's technology secretary, in what is believed to be a world-first use of such legislationFrom https://www.newscientist.com/article/2472068-revealed-how-the-uk-tech-secretary-uses-chatgpt-for-policy-advice/
These records show that Kyle asked ChatGPT to explain why the UK’s small and medium business (SMB) community has been so slow to adopt AI. ChatGPT returned a 10-point list of problems hindering adoption, including sections on “Limited Awareness and Understanding”, “Regulatory and Ethical Concerns” and “Lack of Government or Institutional Support”.Apparently it didn't say "because it's unhelpful and probably harmful to most SMB problems" or "what on earth are you doing asking a computer this you fool?".
Imagine being a Government minister and asking a mindless machine a question like "why aren't Small to Medium businesses taking up AI?"
Because Peter, they haven't found a business use for it, that's why. It's a toy looking for a serious purpose outside of Fascism
These are not serious people, and they do not understand the technological world they have been voted in to regulate. The Tech Bros will just dangle shiny things in front of these unserious politicians and there goes our Future.
"Oh Chat GPT, which podcasts should I go on? I could ask a human being with a mind, but instead I'll ask Fancy Autocorrect for the most likely answer that I want to hear"
A recent study by the Tow Center for Digital Journalism has revealed alarming inconsistencies and inaccuracies in AI search tools, challenging their growing popularity as replacements for traditional search engines.
FramIActu n°2 — La revue mensuelle sur l’actualité de l’IA ! https://framablog.org/2025/03/12/framiactu-n2-la-revue-mensuelle-sur-lactualite-de-lia/ #IntelligenceArtificielle #Intelligenceartificielle #Enjeuxdunumérique #FramIActus #framiactu #chatGPT #Design #openAI
OpenAI pushes AI agent capabilities with new developer API - The AI industry is doing its best to will "agents"—pieces of AI-driven sof... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/openai-pushes-ai-agent-capabilities-with-new-developer-api/ #computer-usingagent #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #aiagents #operator #chatgpt #chatgtp #biz #openai #tech #ai
KI-Update: Talk unter KIs, KI-Songkopien, Neutronensterne lokalisieren
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
Why extracting data from PDFs is still a nightmare for data experts - For years, businesses, governments, and researchers have struggled with a ... - https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/03/why-extracting-data-from-pdfs-is-still-a-nightmare-for-data-experts/ #opticalcharacterrecognition #computationaljournalism #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #simonwillison #derekwillis #raykurzweil #mistralocr #chatgpt #chatgtp #mistral #biz #tech #pdfs #ocr #ai
re: anger, ai bullshit
@HagePutte nodds in agreement
There is no bina-fide use-case for #ChatGPT, period!
KI-Management – lernen Sie in fünf Sessions KI-Tools im Unternehmen einzuführen
Ab dem 19. Mai lernen Sie, Künstliche Intelligenz in Arbeitsprozesse zu integrieren: von Prompting über Implementierung bis zu Regulierung und Ethik.