You deserve a good life.
Society may have treated you poorly, but that doesn't mean you've earned it.
You are valued and needed by us all.
You deserve a good life.
Society may have treated you poorly, but that doesn't mean you've earned it.
You are valued and needed by us all.
The pronouns you like for yourself are good pronouns.
You don't need another reason for choosing them.
We wrote a little thing about how our gender identities differ as a plural system. It's long, so here's a Tumblr link:
Audrey Tang is a non-binary politician from Taiwan and was the first openly trans government minister in the world. Audrey has led the way on developing Taiwan’s digital democracy.
(ID: Picture of Audrey wearing a stripey jacket and glasses standing in a corridor with gold windows and plants in the background.)
“I don’t think we as trans people, particularly trans people of colour, get spaces where we can simply look good and where it doesn’t go deeper than that.” – Sabah with photo credit to @hollyrevellphotography
(Accessibility: Picture of Sabah in pink-lensed sunglasses a a cool floral shirt behind a colourful flower display.)
anyone got any positive affirmations that they like that are trans affirming?
New personal goal: wear one of the beautiful dresses I was gifted for Christmas to work
Take seriously the little things that remind you of yourself.
In a society that's constantly trying to overwrite you, they're not so little after all.
@hyenagirl64 [beach.city] i’m a pan trans man and one time i was at a queer pride parade, wearing pan pride clothing and carrying a nonbinary-inclusive sign and a stranger saw it, came out as nonbinary to me and thanked me for being inclusionary which i thought was really cool
@hyenagirl64 [beach.city] I am out publically, I have my pronouns in my medical charts. For the last 6 months, I have been repeatedly misgendered while trying to figure out what's wrong. In today's procedure, they used They/Them without hesitation or me prompting and I almost cried. This was the first time in 6 months that any doctor has. #transpositivity
@hyenagirl64 [beach.city] i struggle heavily with agoraphobia and went for a walk in a nature park in a pretty dress just as myself
every single person i passed just smiled and said hello... no weird looks, no callouts, nothing negative at all. these types of experiences are valuable to me when i hear so much about folks who'd do me harm. it's nice to just be treated like a human, like everyone else
#transgender #transpositivity #encouragement
"if you think that you may be faking it, it's a really good sign that you're not. When you hear yourself telling you who you are, listen to yourself."
- One Topic At A Time, trans ally