DAY 3 - MUTUAL AID - $0/2200
hello! my name is rachael. i am a nonbinary trans woman and i live with my spouse and two dogs. we're in a US state that is very hostile to trans people (indiana) and i cannot find work. i was fired some time ago for being trans, and unemployment ran out months ago. i have been intensively job hunting all this time, but no one is willing to hire a trans person.
unfortunately, we have bills to pay, including rent, and i have some left over from last month too because i couldnt get the funds. i want to keep working on my job search so i can use a job's income to keep us from being homeless and eventually move out to Seattle. so we need help to be safe until that happens.
we need $2200 to get through this month. i know, it's a lot. but anything you could do to help us i would be so incredibly thankful for and you would be helping to keep to trans people off the streets.
my venmo:
for other payment platforms, send it to @vantablack , they have several payment options in their bio.
i would also love to hear about any remote software jobs where you may be able to put a word in for me. i dont care what language or tools or anything; i have a decade of fullstack experience and i also have several years' experience in a senior role, managing projects and mentoring junior employees.
thank you. so much.